Chapter 83

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It was that time again, where the birds were chirping, the air was crisp, and smelled like autumn leaves while falling to windy cold temperature. September first, meant the students would be heading back to Hogwarts once again, ready for another year at their Wizarding school. It was 10 minutes past 8, and the students began to board the Hogwarts Express, where fresh journeys began for new students, as new friend groups formed, and old groups gathered for reunion. Coral and Sage pulled their trunks through the walls in King's cross station, into the area where hundreds of wizards and witches were saying bye to their families. You could see a view of all of the first years parents waving goodbye to their children for the first time. This was it, this was the year where they could relax, and really finally have a normal school experience, one where they weren't worried about if every move they made would cause a death, or a fatal error with a negative chain reaction.

The Gemini group had agreed over group fire call, to meet in cabin sixteen, on train six and seven, which was a connected compartment meant for larger groups. Typically older seventh years would be there, but most of the seventh year students had transferred to other schools, most likely wanting to experience life as an exchange student for their last year before beginning their careers. There wasn't many older students, however the school had seemed to now be full of students the same age as Coral WolfRose, and younger. Everyone in the entire wizarding community in that age bracket wanted to go to Hogwarts. They wanted to be going to the same school as the most famous wizard and witches of all history. For that, it seemed even more crowded than it was before. McGonagall and the Professors of Hogwarts even had to add expansion on the castle over summer to add more dorm rooms inside the common rooms, there was no way all these students would have fit before. The train was nearly completely full, when usually there was quite a bit of space left. Coral eyeballed the overly full compartments with cringe, students were squished together, some nearly sitting on each-other. Most likely half of these students were fans of her and her group, and she knew that. She knew she'd never be normal again, like her father she also gathered a famous persona. It wasn't something she wanted, as she could see all the students she passed staring at her and Sage eagerly, some first years whispering to each other with excitement. Hopefully this would wear off soon.

"Coral! Can I have a photo with you two please?" A random first year girl with brown hair asked, her camera in is left hand.

Coral stopped dead in her tracks, turning around to look down at the first year behind her who hardly made it to the length just below her chest. She eyeballed the camera in the girls hand. Is this what the rest of her year at Hogwarts would be like?

"I know that you might be busy with people constantly trying to talk to you, so I thought I'd ask." The girl continued, smiling at Coral. "It's okay if not, I understand you are probably already busy."

Coral shook her head and forced a smile. "Of course not, here I'll take it for us!" She replied, quickly slouching to fit both of them in the picture.

The girl took her camera back. "Oh my gosh! Thank you. The whole reason I wanted to come to this school is so I can be just like you one day. I want to be a powerful witch just like you!" the girl eagerly added, running off to who knows where.

Coral lightly nodded, and turned around. She had noticed Sage was gone. Nice he left me behind. She shook her head with a slight grin and made her way to the cabin where all of her friends would be. She crossed the train onto train seven, to almost instantly be shaken with surprise. She gasped as there was a large group of never before seen students surrounding the cabin the Gemini group was supposed to be sitting in. She watched with horror as the kids peaked through the window, the younger students waving inside. Oh god. What the hell.

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