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The cold hospital floors of St.Mungos grew colder, as day fell to night, and Coral was still under going extensive procedures to reverse the blood she had lost from having Sectum Sempra casted on her stomach. It had been hours, the nurses trying every thing. On the hospital bed, the sheets below Coral Wolfrose's body bled red, originally the color blue.
Ash Riddle had sat there for six whole hours, waiting for the nurse to just come and say she was going to be okay. He just wanted one good sign, something that would tell him he hadn't failed to save Coral WolfRose from his own sibling. He had yet to get any sign that she was going to be okay. Unfortunately it was impossible for anyone to know this, as even the nurses could still not stop the bleeding. Ash was going to drive himself mad in that hospital.

Hogwarts was even more of a chaotic scene, the students of Hogwarts were in a complete panic hearing that Coral WolfRose had been attacked by another student and sent to St. Mungos. Professors were overwhelmed with calming the younger students down, and keeping the older students from staring to accuse their peers of the damage. It could get very hectic, very fast. Sage and Cedric had not stopped searching every corridor of the castle for the mystery culprit. Cedric wanted to make it up to Sage for what he'd done, and he knew helping would be the way. Draco Malfoy was being a panicked boyfriend, demanding the professors let him floo to the hospital to see his girlfriend immediately. Every time he was turned down. He was sending himself into panic attacks knowing Ash Riddle was the one there at the hospital, instead of him. The Gemini also were demanding the professors immediately let them floo. Also, all were denied. Ginny had hexed Pansy Parkinson for laughing at the situation, and Harry had earned himself six detentions for arguing with Snape about their stupid decision to not let them go see their friend who was most likey dying. Fred and George had been releasing fireworks all over the corridors of the castle, along with shooting firecrackers at students in the great hall. Students had even began to accuse others of being the mystery culprit the ministry was looking for. The entire great hall quickly changed to students arguing, casting hex's at each other, and full on duels. It was an uncontrollable zoo, and the Minister of magic was quickly called to the scene.

"SILENCE!" Everwick Merlin boomed through the great hall, quickly using disarming spells on any student with their wands out.
It was obvious his tone was full with annoyance.

The room had appeared as if it had froze. The students stopping in spot, not moving an inch. They had definitely screwed up, if the minister was called.

"Take a seat, immediately." He darkly demanded, the students being quick to listen.

Hermione eagerly looked around for Sage, who was still searching the Castle halls with Cedric. Unfortunately, they had come back empty handed.
Sage groaned seeing Everwick was back again. What had gone on while they were gone?

"This behavior will not be tolerated." Everwick hissed, slamming his hand into the table below him. "Should I find any of you continuing to proceed with accusing another student, using hexes, or any other form of disruptive conduct..." he paused, staring down Fred and George angrily. "Your punishment will be scrubbing the cell floors of Azkaban clean, WITH the prisoners inside."

The first years were trembling in their robes at the thought of going to Azkaban at all. The dementors were something nearly every wizard shuddered at.

Everwick turned to DumbleDore, nodding quickly.
"As some of you know, Coral WolfRose had been attacked earlier, and is now at St.Mungos. Yes the rumors are true."

"Is she dead?" A random third year asked, earning a scowl from the Gemini group.

"No, she is not dead." Everwick snapped, grabbing his throbbing temples. "She is in recovery, but we don't for know how long. It could be days, weeks, months. It could even be a year."

The Slytherin Prophecy  | Cedric Diggory | Draco Malfoy | Harry PotterTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon