Chapter 31

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The great hall was filled with an incredibly awkward atmosphere after last nights hectic and uncalled for events that took place. Students were silently eating to themselves, occasionally muttering yes and no when asked a question. Rumors had already made their way around school of who got partnered with who and what type of project the students were being forced to do for their punishments.
The uncomfortable atmosphere lingering the great hall was quickly changed, and the sound of screeching owls was now being pounded through it, as the owls gracefully dropped designated letters off to their owners from the sky.
One by one, letters quickly floated down their owners, leaving expressions of joy on the students at Hogwarts faces. Surprisingly, two students at the RavenClaw table had been delivered the exact same shaped package's. They both looked at each other with extreme curiosity.

"Well, looks like you got mail, eh? Me too!" Michael Corner said, savagely ripping open his envelope.

"What? I never get mail in the mornings, why did we get the same package?" Sage Merlin said, studying the outside of the large wide package that was sitting in front of him taking up a large amount of table space. "Open yours, Coral."

Coral studied the paper wrapped object. "Let's open it at the same time?" She said, scooping the package closer to her. The sound of letters being ripped open and wrapping paper being torn ringed through the great hall.

"Okay, on three!" Sage exclaimed putting his pointing finger against the paper wrapping. One, two."

"Three!" They said in unison, savagely tearing off the paper.


Both of the students were staring at the objects in front of them with pure shock. Who had gotten them these, and why? Students began turning their heads towards Sage and Coral , examining the unnecessary gifts in front of them.

"Who would buy us nimbus 2001's?!" Sage questioned, furrowing his eyebrows. "I don't play quidditch?"

"Neither do I?! Does yours have a name on it from who sent it?" Coral replied, looking for a name with a worried tone. "Mine doesn't have a name."

"No way, those are so expensive! Quidditch team members would kill to have those." Michael chirped , glaring at the brooms with jealously.

"Same, no name. Who in the right mind would buy both of us nimbus 2001's for no reason?!"

Just as they had both picked their brooms off the table, another late screeching owl came swooping into the great hall, dropping a letter to Sage Merlin.

"Another letter, what kind of game is this?" Sage complained, quickly ripping the envelope open and pulling out a folded parchment.

He began to read the letter with uttermost confusion.

Dear Sage,
How have you been doing kiddo? I hope everything at Hogwarts is turning out how you planned it to be and that you are making lots of friends! I miss you a lot and can't wait to have you home for summer break in a few months. I will be stopping by to visit the shack today while you are at school , I have some of my old pictures I wish to collect of myself and bring home. On the other note, you might be wondering who got you those nimbus 2001's. I'll let you know now to end all possible confusion, it was me. I have gotten you AND Coral nimbus 2001's so that you can use them to fly to your training and places near the shack, instead of risking being caught up by something that may danger you. Also, incase quidditch might appeal to you one day, it wouldn't hurt to give it a try now that you have your own broom! I'm sure RavenClaw can use another quidditch member, I myself was a seeker on RavenClaw in my days and a good one at that!
I will try to send you more letters from now on to stay in touch, and now that I'm giving you and Coral a snowy owl, I hope to receive some back as well. The other reason I am going to the shack is to drop off your new snowy owl which you will be able to choose it's name. Have fun at school, hope you make great use of those brooms.
Love Dad x Everwick Merlin

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