Chapter 60

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Sage Merlin and Harry Potter had woken up bright and early to prepare for Christmas. On December 25th, everyone had been up in the morning ready to rush down to the great hall for breakfast and presents. However, Coral Wolfrose did not budge an inch to wake up, and was in the middle of a deep slumber and magical dream. Sage, who was making evil plans with Harry and Draco to prank the sleeping witch, came up with an all too foul idea.

"No, you do it!" Sage nudged Harry, attempting to peer pressure him into shooting a jet of water out of his wand to wake up Coral.

Draco scowled at the two, not willing to do something so easy. "I'll do it!" He scolded, pushing them both out of the way. "Aguamenti!"

Harry winced, watching a jet of ice cold water rise above his friend and fall down onto her, then a loud scream being echoed across the empty common room below them. Corals eyes shot wide open, then she jolted out of bed covered in ice cold water and her fuzzy blue pajamas soaked. With her face turning red, she furiously snapped her head towards the boys, ready to send a hex their way with her wand raised.

"DONT HURT ME, HE DID IT!" Sage screamed for mercy as she threatened the boys with her wand, pointing to Draco with an accusing finger.

Draco smirked while Coral sent him a deathly glare, knowing she couldn't say anything due to their special little bet they made. He let out a loud and powerful chuckle, crossing his arms in victory. Coral huffed and rushed past the boys angrily, storming towards the great hall where Luna was probably already opening her presents. She didn't even care that her clothes were still soaking wet, she just wanted to not start her morning off with Draco getting the hand over her and didn't want to sacrifice accidentally letting something slip out of her mouth.

Harry turned to Sage confused as to why Coral didn't hex Draco like she normally would have, and Sage returned the same look. Draco noticed the boy's expressions and it made him laugh even more.

"Ah, me and her have a bet you see. First one to verbally insult the other have to pay the price." Stated Draco with a cocky grin.

"What is the price, exactly?" Asked Harry confused as they all began their walk to the great hall.

"That, is a secret I'm sure she'll want me to keep when she looses." He spat with a chuckle. Sage wasn't too fond of what this idea might be, but he knew he didn't want to know what Coral had agreed to. They brushed it off, as they entered into the great hall.

Instantly, their eyes were blessed with the beauty of mountains of presents stacked under and near the Christmas tree. Sage's eyes locked into Coral and Luna who were sorting out the five of their presents into piles. They walked up to the two girls, and began to help sort.

"I'm guessing the giant mountain in the corner is Draco's?" Sage asked with a taunting tone.

Draco nodded and cocked his head with a smirk.
"It's smaller than normal, but I'll live."

Coral who was listening, wanted nothing more than to call him a spoiled brat, but wasn't going to loose the bet they made. There was no way over Merlin's grave that she would loose this bet and have to pay the horrid consequences that came along with it.

"Well, I think that's it." Luna chirped, smiling at her medium sized pile of presents stacked on a table.

"Only 500 presents later." Chortled Coral sarcastically. She shrugged at the lack of reaction to her joke and made her way towards her pile that was closely compared to the size of Draco's. Mother.

The five of them and Mcgonagall proceeded to open their many, many gifts. Just as Coral had sent many gifts to her friends and mother, she'd received the same. Hermione got her a collection of muggle books, Ron had gotten her a chocolate frog, Ernie a forever lasting candy fizzing soda, and much more.
Just inching towards the last few presents, they were all labeled from Luna, Harry, Sage, and Draco.

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