Chapter 62

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March 1st, fourth year.

Things for Coral WolfRose, Harry Potter, and Sage Merlin hadn't been any better since their journey began on search of Voldemort's horcrux's. With two left, people began to become suspicious of the trios disappearances. The most intrigued student, who was rather spying now, was Draco Malfoy. He had noticed the longer and longer disappearances of the trio by week. He'd watch as the trio would sneak out on weekends and wait for them to return mid night looking beat and battered. Draco decided he'd find out what was going on with this trio, and he wasn't going to stop until he did.

Coral woke up and quickly got ready, as today they were going far away into a forest to find Godric Gryffindor's sword to destroy Salazar Slytherin's Locket that Sage Merlin's dad became in possession of after integrating and getting Dolores Umbridge in trouble with the ministry. She quickly met up behind the clock tower courtyard with Harry and Sage at their normal spot.

Harry, who was waiting impatiently and nervously, saw Coral coming first, and slightly nudged Sage on the shoulder.

"What?!" Said Sage in surprise as he was snapped out of his daydream. "Oh."

Coral scoffed. "Well, good morning to you both too."

"Hey, I wasn't being rude, I was just surprised that Harry hit me that hard!" Sage jokingly replied, throwing his hands in the air under surrender. "Kids got an arm."

"An arm I can use to smack you harder with." Harry sassily retorted with a smirk.

Sage groaned and shook his head. Grabbing Salazar Slytherin's Locket, he held it up to the two and dangled it in front of their faces.

"What?" Coral asked confused.

"What do you mean what?! We have to go to find the frozen pool up in the country side which holds the sword." Sage pointed out.

Harry nodded and eyeballed the locket dangerously.

"Let's go then, this is going to take all two days of this weekend that we have off. We need all of the time we can get." Puffed Sage, holding his hands out to suggest for apparition.

"All weekend?" Cried Coral. She wanted to at least have Sunday to go socialize with her friends.

Now that Cedric and the goon twins had been staying away from her and her friends under the threat of dumbledore, she and Malfoy had become seemingly close over the past two months. Blaise and Draco both had become close with everyone fighting for the good side, as they were all on the same terms. Unfortunately, they still hadn't been able to save Pheonix and he was still under the command of the death eaters. The bad thing was, the closer that her and Draco had become, the more nosy and invasive he became.

"Why, will you miss your boyfriend?" Sage Mocked with a grin, both Harry and Coral turning a shade of tangerine.

"He's not my boyfriend." Hissed Coral.

Harry blushed and nodded, agreeing with Sage. "Well, you two have been getting rather close. You know, I've never seen him act nicer to someone more than y-"

"SHUT IT!" Coral angrily interrupted before he could finish, her cheeks a crimson red.

"Enough Pitter patter, we need to get going." Sage also interrupted, trying not to laugh.

"You mean Potter Patter." Coral smirked and Harry growled.

"Very funny."

"Come on, my two idiots." Sage shook his head and the three finally managed to link arms and apparate up south, where Sage Merlin's father had directed the location of the sword be located.

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