Chapter 54

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Blaise POV: (ooOoOo rare)

I woke up to the sound of my dormitory mates Cedric Diggory and Cho Chang being louder than usual with their stupid laughs and obnoxious snogging. Bloody idiots. Growling, I launched myself out of bed and looked at my friend Michael Corner, to who I was completely shocked he slept through all of Cedric and Cho's idiocy. The high pitched sound of Cho's laugh could wake anyone up, even from the deepest of slumbers. Shoving Cho away from my bed, I gathered my school robe and uniform, then quickly changed in the bathroom. After managing to slip my robe on over everything else, I heard the faint sound of someone calling for me from outside the door.

"I SAID, WHERE IS BLAISE YOU FILTHY CHANG GIRL?!" Yelled an all too familiar voice angrily. The one that belonged to a rich, platinum blonde, Slytherin boy.

"I don't know!" Squealed back Cho.

"I'd slap you, but that would be animal abuse!" He hissed, and the sound of Cedric yelling took over the room.

I chuckled and rolled my eyes, quickly walked out of the bathroom to stop any further conflict between my friends and the enemies. "Calm down, D, I was changing."

Draco turned to me furiously with his jaw clenched.
"God, you live with foul dirt." He sneered. "I was about to send that slag's hair flying off her head."

"Not before I would have hexed your arse into next century, Malfoy." Cedric spat back, dragging a desperate looking Cho out of the dormitory by her arm.

I couldn't help but burst into laughter at Cho's reaction and her helpless facial expression. Most fourth years hated her, and it was for a good reason. No one likes fake people, the fake are monsters.
I looked at Michael, who was still surprisingly asleep. "How is Michael still sleeping?!" I asked Draco, who was now a bright red from anger.

"Did I ask for you to ask a question Blaise? No. I came in here to tell you that I found something out this morning." He snapped, sneering into the air like something smelt bad.

I chuckled lightly. "What's that then, D?"

"A little Gryffindork bird-brain named Oliver Wood, mentioned to me that Coral WolfRose is taking Marcus position on the quidditch team as the CAPTAIN! Practice starts Friday, god this is a outrage!"

"WHAT?!" I yelled back in shock. Most of the Slytherin thought that Draco or I would be set as captain in place of Marcus. McGonagall has not yet announced the captain's yet so we all didn't know.
Since practice started on Friday, I didn't know what to think. Sure she had been practicing with the best quidditch player at Hogwarts every day since the beginning of school, but really? How good could she have gotten?

"I can't believe that old bag McGonagall, having the nerve to put someone as incompetent as WolfRose as our captain. It's like she's setting us up for failure." Draco complained angrily, throwing himself down onto my bed. "She just wants her house to win, it's complete bullocks!"

I took a few steps forward and cringed before sitting down on Cedric's bed which was next to mine, and probably had some left over nasty stuff on it since Cedric and Cho shag all the time in here.
"I thought you liked Coral though, you know as a friend? I mean we did just spend Halloween with her and her friends. I kinda thought that maybe we were friends with th-"

Draco interrupted me with a scoff. "Did you really think I would be friends with someone who likes POTTY? I told you Blaise, I just wanted to go for my own personal benefits. Those benefits you might ask?" He rambled on. "Well, only to anger my sorry excuse of a father."

I was at loss of speech with what Draco said. I thought after yesterday, that Coral, Neville, Harry and all of the others were friends with Draco and I. I thought we had finally managed to make a treaty and end all of the house war's going on for fourth years. I was rather happy also, finally getting to release my stress from having to dislike everyone that Draco did. Even Pansy Parkinson managed to get along with a few people from other houses, so why couldn't Draco and I?

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