Chapter 15

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It was now Friday, which meant that students would be heading home for Christmas break.
Apart from the morning, where they had a Christmas feast, and some fun throughout the day, the rest was rather typical. Students had to take first season exams, and couldn't wait to go home.
Coral had wiped her sweaty palms that came from the nervousness of the exams, and rushed out of the classroom. She was excited to finally home into the muggle world.
She took no extra time to arrive to the common room and pack up her things.

She had nearly finished, before Draco had nearly kicked their door open.
"WolfRose, I need to talk to you."

Coral finished with annoyance.
"Yes, Draco, what you do want?"

Draco started pacing back and fourth between the room, causing a siren to go off inside her head that something was wrong. Usually Draco was confident and cocky.
"Come with me?" Draco questioned nervously.

"Excuse me...?"

"Come with me for Christmas break? You can come to the manor."

She knew her mother would never let her go over to Draco's house for two weeks during Christmas break. She also wasn't sure if she even wanted to go to Draco's manor. His mother could be just as cruel as his father was. She had heard his father was sent to Azkaban prison for joining forces with Voldemort back in the old days. She shivered at the thought of being a guest at the house of someone who had been in wizarding prison. Draco's father was friends with the monster who killed her own father.

"Draco that's very kind of you but I don't think my mother will let me."

"She already said yes." Draco retorted. "I already had my mother ask yours."

The fact that Draco made his mother owl her mom was a little bit weird to Coral. How did his mom even know how to contact hers? The second thing bothering her, was why her mother even agreed to the horrible plan?

She turned towards Draco with a foggy mind thinking of what her next two weeks were going to be like.
"I guess if my mother said so.." Coral hesitantly replied.

Draco huffed. He could tell she was concerned. "There's nothing to worry about anyways you're a pureblooded Slytherin."

"Fine, Malfoy!" She spat out angrily.
"Just so you know, if this whole plan goes wrong it's your fault!"

"I knew you'd say yes." Draco cockily replied, grinning as he packed up his belongings into his trunk.

What had she just agreed to?


Draco and Coral made their way towards the great hall, where everyone was meeting before leaving Hogwarts. Some students were staying for their Christmas break. I guess you would consider that certain crowd, being the unfortunate with no parents, or parents being too busy for their kids in general.

"Hurry, WolfRose, we gotta there first or else we will get a bad seat on the train back!" Draco huffed making Coral faster.

All students were watching as they ran like idiots towards the Hogwarts Express.

Coral groaned in agony. "Why can't we just walk, like everyone else!"

Draco completely ignored her pleads. "It's not my fault you're out of shape. You can rest when we're on the train! Now hurry up will you?!"

Coral furrowed her eyebrows. They had passed several students, all watching, laughing as they passed them. Yeah real funny, sit back and watch the Slytherin prince and famous Coral WolfRose run to get good seats on a stupid train.

Harry, Hermione, and Ron were walking at a normal pace. The trio had seen the duo running and couldn't help but laugh.
"Slow it down, slimy snakes, don't wanna miss getting you're special privileged cabin now will you?" Harry mocked with laughter.

Coral turned around towards the direction, revealing that it was the only and only Harry Potter. She scrunched her face at him, then turned around running again.

"Yes!! Cabin ten is mine!" Draco bragged like a toddler. "Stupid Potter."

Coral rolled her eyes at the pathetic behavior. Why where they even friends again?

The golden trio had caught up to them, stopping at their cabin to harass the duo.

"Draco Malfoy, more like Roadrunner. He did look like a road runner trying to get there before us." Hermione sarcastically teased.

"Get out of here, mudblood." Draco hissed, shoving Hermione out of their cabin by force and locking the door.

After placing Eclipse's cage on top of the train compartments above where Draco and Coral were sitting, she joined Draco to sit down. She was waiting for the rest of the Slytherin to arrive, since they typically would be sharing cabin ten with them.

Draco quickly got up, making his way to the cabin door and sliding it shut.

Coral was confused. "Why did you close the door? Aren't Crabbe, Goyle, Blaise, and Parkinson coming in here?"

"They will be sitting in cabin twenty two in the back." Draco Denied. "Currently in a fight with Blaise. Don't want him near me."

"Just invite them in anyways." Coral disagreed.


"Come o-"

The cabin door flew open and on the other side revealed an annoying Gryffindor with hair that's too shaggy. Coral groaned. Harry never leaves them alone.

"Can't seem to find your cabin, Pottah?" Draco spat, sneering with disgust.

"Oh, sorry did I interrupt your snogging session? Very inappropriate by the way, have some respect!" Harry sassily retorted.

"We weren't. Get out of here, you pile of hippogriff shit." Coral snapped back at Harry, getting up and pushing him backwards then slamming out compartment door closed.

Draco looked up at Coral and snickered. "Woah.... feisty."

"I'm calm up until a point you know? . He came up to us twice in the last ten minutes!"

"Sounds like Potty's obsessed."

"Believe me, he is." She replied.

They both couldn't wait to be away from the golden trio. Far, far away

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