Chapter 87

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A/N: Hey! I've been trying to add Atleast one new chapter every single day. As you see, quite a few new characters have been added. As you may think their addition is not needed now, I assure you every character involved will eventually play their own major part in the story. Thanks to those that are voting and commenting on the new chapters it always gives me encouragement to see people are still liking the storyline. It's semi-boring right now but I needed to layout the rest of sixth years beginning path for it to get more interesting. It was kind of a switch in story than I originally planned, so I have to do it carefully because I don't want it to seem like I'm bringing all these new people in and kicking out the old ones. I'm trying to balance out the old and new ones. However some mini spoilers. Ash Riddle will become one of the main focuses on sixth year. LOTS of drama coming soon. Be ready ;) also if you have any suggestions to add to the storyline feel free to comment them. Like parties, events, >PEOPLE YOU SHIP< etc. sometimes I get writers block lmao. You guys are in for a shock within the next few chapters coming as well.


Classes had finally come to an end on the first official day back at Hogwarts. Students had began filling the castle halls, now making their way to do whatever they wanted. Students fled off to the common rooms, courtyards, quidditch pitch, and more. Fred, George, and Oliver Wood were spotted running together towards the pitch with their brooms. Blaise, Phoenix, and Percy Groves had the same idea! The six of them made their way to the pitch to have some playing time along with some other random students who had asked to join. Hermione and Sage walked hand in hand towards Professor Mcgonagall's office. Everett Bluefire had been attempting to locate his Slytherin housemate, Aurora West, to retrieve his class notes back she borrowed, but she was no where to be seen. Draco and Coral had managed to finally get together, casually bickering in the hallways. Harry and Ginny were too busy snogging in the room of requirements, to realize the time. It was obvious Harry was going to be late. Neville and Luna were already waiting in the Professor's office. In just ten minutes, the students who wanted to become prefects were asked to make their way to Professor Mcgonagall's office for determination.

Lastly, Ash Riddle had just finished up sending an owl off to Abraxas at the owlery, and began making his way to the office. Ash had gotten an owl after last class, advanced dueling, from his brother. After the interesting information he received from Abraxas, he thought it would be best to quickly return the letter. He couldn't shake off what had been sealed inside.

Dear Ash,
I hope all is well. Here in Diagon Alley, there has been an attack. A cloaked wizard had been in search of a book at the bookshop. It apparently holds important information about the castle that they were looking for. The rumors are it has every single nook and cranny of the castle listed inside. Almost like a Hogwarts guide? I don't know what they wanted, but no one was injured, the bookstore is a mess though. I thought I'd warn you. I think it's our sibling. They may be closer than you think. Keep an eye out for yourself. We don't know what's coming.

Ash couldn't stop re-reading the letter to himself in his head. Could the ministry have been wrong? Could the culprit have access inside the castle? Could the culprit be someone they have already casually seen? He was worried. There were so many new faces at Hogwarts. Could one of them be his unknown sibling? He had quickly rushed over to the office, it taking forever. The hallways were nearly cleared out as he made his way alone.

"Follow me." A voice called out, him stopping in the middle of the hallway to grab his throbbing temples. It was the voice again. The one of his siblings, trying to communicate through the blood ring. "Follow me, we shall help our father regain his reign."

The tone was dripping with darkness, a haunting hissing like accent to it. It was driving him mad. He tried fighting it, fighting off the voice as the ring began to gain control over him. He couldn't fight it, the person on the other side was too strong. They were growing stronger. They were getting to know how to use the ring to their full extent. They tried to contact him every hour of the day. They'd wake him up at night. They were haunting him. This ring would be the cause of his destruction. He had to learn how fight it, before the ring would begin to control him.

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