Chapter 46

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As students had gathered into the great hall on a Tuesday morning on September third, the breakfast feast had begun, leaving mostly all students to eat their meals. That is, all except two special students who were still in their dormitory dealing with the consequences from their wild night out.

Maybe if I smack her upside the head, or worse flick a hair color hex at her I might be able to wake her up. Sage Merlin thought, as he was staring at his hungover sleeping best friend in their level two dormitory. Instantly being blessed with a light bulb of an idea, he reached for his pillow and began slamming it into Coral WolfRose's face as a last resort to wake her up after his previous twenty attempts that he failed rather miserably.

"Get up, get up, get up! Ugh, you dumbass!" He yelled, vigorously smashing his pillow into her face resulting in her leaving angry mumbles flying out of her mouth.

"shhhudduppp..." Coral managed to mutter, still half asleep.

Sage looked at his best friend trying not to spit laughter at her. "Oh, I'm going to have to hex you aren't I? You asked for it." He said, before grabbing his wand out of his pocket and flicking a hair color changing hex at her. Seeing that her hair was now a royal blue, he snorted. This method definitely worked, as Coral jolted out of bed with her eyes widened and instantly ran over to the mirror grabbing her hair in a panic.

"WHAT DID YOU DO?" She screamed at Sage, feeling her royal blue hair gasping for air. One thing that drove her crazy was when her hair was not the original color it was before it got hexed. She loved her original hair color and it caused a panic if anything was changed about it.

Sage snickered, then learned against the door frame to their dormitory. "Hey, now you can say you've been blessed with some RavenClaw spirit! Michael Corner is going to love this."

"You think I want to be in the same house as Chiddy Cho gang bang?" Coral hissed, falling onto the floor in a tantrum. That was, soon before she was sent grabbing her throbbing head suffering in pain. "Oh god, what happened last night?"

Sage moved his position from the door frame onto his bed, feeling the silk sheets. "Michael told me we came back drunk, with the help of a flooer. The rumors are going around school no thanks to Ron Weasley."

"How did Ron know?"

"Well, I hate to tell you this but I asked him, and he said he had to help you upstairs." Sage started, than continued after hesitation. "Also, he said you hit on him and asked if he'd ever slept with anyone?"

Corals jaw dropped, and she spun around with fire burning in her eyes. "WHAT?" She shrieked, making Sage flinch and then snicker. "Yup, he said he wouldn't tell anyone though that is, after I threatened to hex him into oblivion..."

"You threatened him?" Coral asked with laughter bouncing out of her. "I don't even want to know what else I did. Just don't tell me then it will save me from embarrassment and future mental scarring."

They made eye contact, then bursted into laughter. "That was so worth it last night. We should do that again sometime." Sage said, with amusement showing through his sparking eyes.

"If we do, we are going to the Gemini house after. I'm never risking hitting on someone like Weasel in my life again." Coral warned, shaking her head with her cheeks flushed from embarrassment. She got up from the ground completely forgetting about her royal blue hair and quickly casting a few charms to get herself ready for the day.

Sage followed the same, casting a few charms and changing clothing. "I think we should get to class before we are late. I have Snape for first period DADA and you know how much he hates late students. I really don't want another detention." He warned walking to the door and holding it open for Coral.

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