Chapter 72

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Coral POV-

Woah, where am I? I asked myself, looking around the all the white things around me, and the emptiness that made everything more uncomfortable. All I could remember was that Harry and Sage had defeated the evil in the wizarding community once and for all, and then after that nothing. I was confused as ever, the next thing I know waking up surrounded with white everything.

"Hello? Is anyone there?" I called out, looking around for someone who might look familiar or know where I was.

Maybe a portkey had taken me somewhere foreign or out of earth. Was I on another planet?

"Coral?" A taller man called from behind a perch, walking towards me with a friendly smile.

Who was this man? This man that looked so familiar with his crystal blue eyes and platinum blonde hair. "Father?! Father, is that really you! OH!" I squealed with joy, running to hug my father. But... wait a minute; my father was not alive... so did that mean...

"No, no you're not dead. You're just visiting for a while, but you must go back. It's not your time yet." My father croaked, in his all white robe. "You must go back, you have duties, you have friends. Something tells me that Draco Malfoy is getting very impatient without you there for him."

"You know about Draco?"

"Of course I do, dear. He is the reason you still have the option to return back. His love saved you. His love brought you back, and mine will send you back again."

"But, where am I? Did I die? Am I in heaven?"

"You're not quite in heaven right now, but stuck in a realm in between. I came because I heard you were here, and even I know that you wouldn't be ready to be here yet. Therefore you must return now."

"How? How do I return?"

"You simply must remember to turn on the light, isn't that correct?"

"I suppose?"

"Very well then, turn on the light?"

"But where is it?"

"You'll know when you see it. I love you dear. I'm glad you and your mother are doing well. I'm so proud of you for all of the accomplishments you've done, and I'm sorry I couldn't be there for you."

"Oh, dad, you're always there for me. In my heart. Goodbye."

And with that, I awoke with a gasp. Was it all just a dream? It had to be, but oddly enough, my legs felt longer and I felt different than before I ended the duel with Harry and Sage.

"Hello!? Madam Pomfrey?" I called out.

Seconds later, a shriek was heard with Madam Pomfrey rushing towards me with tears in her eyes.

"What's wrong? Wasn't I only out for a few hours?"

"Dear, you've been in a coma for two months! Oh dear I must alert the head master!"

"TWO MONTHS?" I panicked, rushing to the mirror to see I had a scar under my left neck. "HOW DID I END UP IN A COMA? WHERE ARE MY FRIENDS? MADAM, COME BACK!"

I sighed with confusion as I quickly used spells and charms to ready myself the Magic way. I had to find out what was going on, because with a empty wing, how would I know anything? Like how I had been in a coma for a two months? Ugh, great. I growled and managed to sneak out of the hospital wing with a urgency to see my friends. What time was it though? I looked for the nearest clock to see that I was time where everyone would be gathered for breakfast at the great hall! Great! Maybe my friends would be able to explain what happened.

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