Chapter 35

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The night had been full of worry-some, uneasy thoughts from several students at Hogwarts that were close to Coral WolfRose, and they could hardly get themselves to fall into a slumber after the worries that took over their minds from the events that happened. Draco Malfoy in-fact, had only been able to sleep for not even a full hour. Tossing and turning through the night, he wondered as to why he would stay up thinking about a girl he hated with all his heart. Why did he care so much for a girl he bullied and taunted for fun.
Hours had passed since the sun had risen the next morning, which was a Sunday morning. The new day brought a warm, refreshing feeling across Hogwarts. Awakening from his deep slumber, Cedric Diggory slowly fluttered his eyes open, trying to gain a better visual of his blurry surroundings. He focused his rather tired eyes towards a sleeping Slytherin girl lying on the long hospital bed in front of him.

"Good morning, Coral." He whispered, knowing she wouldn't be able to hear him.

Cedric shook his head as he felt a smile begin to creep across his face. He smiled, not only because he got to be around the beautiful girl in front of him. He smiled because of the way her hair fell into her face, and the way it framed it perfectly. He smiled because her eyes were so bright with a lightness he had never known. He smiled because he could picture himself holding her from behind, as he kissed her gently. He wanted to hold her, to make sure that light from her eyes never leaves. She deserved everything, and he hoped he could give her everything she wanted. She was everything he ever wanted.

He continued to fix his gaze onto Coral, when he was startled by the quick movement coming from her as she shifted in her bed. His eyes widened as she began to flick her eyes open slowly, then steadied them open completely. She turned with her eyebrows furrowed from confusion at the sight of Cedric staring at her so worriedly.

"Diggory...?" She questioned, looking around the room. Her cheeks blushed a dark pink when she realized he had been the only one in the room with her.

Cedric's eyes lightened to the shade of the moon seeing her eyes open again. "You're finally awake." He shyly smirked, putting his hand behind his hair awkwardly.

"Where am I?!" She asked with panic. "The last thing I remember is getting bitten by that damn viper."

Cedric furrowed his eyebrows and tilted his head. "You're in the hospital. Everyone left last night" he continued shyly as his eyes met her's. "I asked to stay, so you wouldn't be alone when you woke."

"Oh, well thanks Diggory." Coral continued, letting a smirk slip onto her face. "I wonder where Sage went."

"Call me Cedric." He gently whispered, flicking his grey eyes towards the white, thick potion sitting on the nightstand. "Madam Pomfrey left that potion and she said for you to take it once you had woken."

She flicked her eyes towards the nightstand, staring at the thick liquid with disgust. "Oh no, I'm not touching that. Are you sure that isn't snot?"

"It's not snot!" he chuckled, letting a toothy smile flash at her. "Just take it, if you don't you'll be in here longer."

"Okay, I guess so. Besides, the longer I'm in here with you, the more miserable I am!" She jokingly spat out flashing a devious smile back.

Cedric mockingly grabbed his chest acting like he was in pain from her insult. "Ouch, Wolfrose."

She rolled her eyes , shaking her head humorously. Quickly grabbing the drink and downing it, her face scrunched up as a reaction to tasting the putrid thick goo slip down her throat.

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