Chapter 29

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The light breeze of the comfortable spring outside air blew through the shrieking shacks boarded window cracks. Faint sounds of crackling trees and whistling grass echoed through the shack causing Coral to twist and turn disturbing her slumber. A large crack came from a tree outside as one of its branches had recently become inhabited by a group of wild imps. The hopping of branch to branch as the imps play around on the newly inhabited tree, blew several loud sounds of cracks into the shrieking shack.

Back at Hogwarts, students were already sitting in the great hall finishing their breakfast. Since it were Saturday, that meant students didn't have school and were free to do as they pleased. Sage Merlin had sat through the whole breakfast wondering where his best friend were. She didn't come to the RavenClaw room to sleep after dinner, nor come at all. He worriedly shifted his eyes to the Slytherin table, still no Coral. The only thing that caught his eye was a unpleasant view of a blonde in green smirking at him like he knew something or had an advantage over him. Weird. Sage shook his head trying to get that thought out of his head and finished his breakfast, excusing himself from the table. He needed to find Coral immediately.

Michael Corner stared at his RavenClaw friend strangely, as he watched Sage get up and leave for no apparent reason. Also, he wondered where was his other Slytherin friend? He looked around as he realized he were sitting alone, quickly excusing himself from the table and making his way to the potions room to conjure up random potions that would be funny for pranks.

Draco Malfoy smirked across the table at the sight of the confused RavenClaw looking for his missing best friend. He knew exactly where she was, but the reason question he were asking himself? He wondered if he should tell everyone , or spy on Coral and see what she was up to. He could get more dirt the longer he waited.
Draco scanned his eyes through the room looking at all the other houses students in disgust judging them mentally, when his eyes stopped at a certain boy sitting at the HufflePuff table. He sneered at the sight of Cedric Diggory looking for Coral at the RavenClaw , then looking back at his HufflePuff friends with an expression of disappointment. What did Cedric see in her, why did Cedric like her so much he could have any girl in the damn school. He rolled his eyes in disgust and excused himself from the table, leaving a confused Pansy Parkinson hopelessly staring at her leaving boyfriend.


Coral's eyes shot wide open in a panic as she heard someone breaking into the shrieking shack. Cautiously, being aware of her surroundings, she sat quietly listening for any sounds. Another loud crack boomed through the room, but it were coming from outside. Curiously sliding off the bed, she walked towards a window that were partially opened from a slit in the wood. She watched outside as little elf bird like creatures were throwing themselves around in the tree just outside the window.

What the hell are those?

Now that it were morning, the shack was naturally illuminated, which made it a beautiful place.
It was obvious that the shack needed some renovation, but she could see it had potential.
. Paper was peeling from the walls, there were stains all over the floor, and every piece of furniture was broken as though somebody had smashed it. The windows were all boarded up but filled with cracks and slit. She wondered if she took the time to fix it, she make the shack a new hang out spot for Sage and her.

Draco had spent night thinking about Coral WolfRose and the secret he held that she had been going off grounds to the shrieking shack. He had to figure out why. He quickly grabbed a broom, Making his way to the shack, he wanted to spy on Coral. He flew to the front door to the creepy old shack, which were boarded up with wood. He looked up at the old broken house, terrified.

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