Chapter 76

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With Draco now gone back home to watch over the Malfoy Manor for two weeks, and Evera and Everwick gone off to do a job for the ministry on the other side of America, the Wolfrose house held only two children. It would be a long two weeks for Sage and Coral, as they had a rule of no apparition more than one county over. What were they supposed to do for two weeks just the two of them stuck in the same county? Being in Orange County, there were a lot of things to do, but they had already done them when Draco was spending his time over. As bored as they ever could be on a Saturday night in summer, Coral quickly put on a movie through her VHS. It only made things worse that her old muggle classmates were throwing a loud party just a few houses down. Coral wasn't ever going to get used to the constant noise coming from her enemies house right outside her bedroom window.

"Do they ever stop? Where are their parents?" Sage growled, turning the T.V off from inability to hear anything over the blasting music. "I wish I could put a silence charm over their house, but then again, the other neighbors might find it strange to see a party but not hear one."

"Mother would kill me if she found out we used magic on muggles." Coral paused, walking over to peep at the house angrily through her window blinds. "Even though they are all little annoying assholes."

"How about we just put a silence charm on our house, to block it out?" Sage suggested, shrugging at the idea. "No one could tell with how quiet and boring this place is anyways."

Coral's eyes lit up from the brilliant suggestion and she nodded with agreement. "I've never liked an idea more than that. You get the front and I'll get the back with wards." She commanded.

"Gotcha." He replied with a smirk, making his way into the back of the house to put silencing wards up.

Coral did the same to the front, taking about just under five minutes to complete the task. It was an instant relief as the music was no longer heard, not a sound of a bird chirping or car driving by was heard. It was peaceful silence. Sighing with relief, Coral laughed herself onto the couch once again to wait for Sage.
"IM STARTING THE MOVIE!" She shouted, smirking as her voice echoed through the silence.


The sound of the microwave beeping and instant footsteps made Coral laugh, as she watched Sage place a huge bowl of popcorn down on the table.

"You know, I'm glad to say that if anyone's going to be my brother, it's you." She giggled, grabbing a handful of popcorn and shoving her face with it chipmunk style. "Oof, this is good."

"Same to ya, sis." He laughed, turning the movie back on. Both making themselves comfortable on the couch to watch the movie, they sighed with relief. "Ahhh, finally some peace."


The noise and pounding at the door sent both springing into the air with shock. Sage and Coral both turned with confusion towards the noise, realizing it was the door being knocked at.

"OH, YOU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME!" Sage shouted angrily, growling to run over to the door and pry it open furiously. Ready in the mood to scream at whoever came to the door, he stopped in shock to see a familiar face standing at the door soaking wet with tears in his eyes.

"Who is it?" Coral asked, trailing after Sage towards her front door to check.

"Phoenix?" Sage shrieked with confusion, staring at the brown haired Slytherin boy quaking on the porch. "What are you doing here?"

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