Chapter 58

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A/N: I'm not doing chapter titles anymore, it's just too annoying and distracting while I try to focus writing lmao.

-December 16th, year 4-

Lazily carrying her own body to the great hall for breakfast, Coral cursed at herself loudly as she walked down the corridors and stairs. Sage and Harry had been leaving without her, and Sage had even began to stop waiting for her every morning like he had been doing every morning this year. Yesterday, she had spent all day by herself as Harry and Sage were training, Draco and Coral were avoiding each other from the awkward kiss that almost happened only two days before, and Luna was busy caring for her 'creatures' day and night. Today, she decided it would be a good idea to practice some spells and advance her use of magic in the clock-tower courtyard. Since McGonagall had not been seen except at breakfast and dinner, she had the freedom to practice advanced spells and even dark spells as she pleased. It was nice having Snape and filch off her back for once, as she was free. She had also thought of doing things like exploring, she had always wanted to see if she could find something strange about the school that no one else knew of.

Arriving to the great hall, she pushed the doors open with immense force, only to be disappointed that everyone had already been there in a small group. Once Harry glanced, he cleared his throat and the group looked over, going quiet when they were all just laughing. Coral rolled her eyes and sat down at the table, next to Luna instead of Sage like usual.

"Hi." She bluntly said, obviously showing she was agitated. The rest just silently nodded, and then continued to chat like she wasn't even there.

"Harry, can you do that thing again where you make your scar move around on your forehead?!" Luna asked dreamily, she found his scar incredibly interesting.

Harry nodded overly enthusiastically with a smile and wiggled his forehead, the other three laughing. Once Coral laughed, they had stopped and grew quiet again. What was their problem today? Did they find Malfoy to be more amusing than her, was she going to be replaced by Malfoy out of all people?! She was growing angrier by the second, and couldn't take it anymore. She bolted out of the seat excusing herself and fleeing to grab her advanced magic books. Harry shot his friends a confused look, which was returned by the rest of them. What did they do wrong?


"Redonda Incaprus!" Coral yelled with frustration, as the spell she was trying wasn't working. This was unusual for her, as magic came naturally to her. She was a Wolfrose, so this should be as simple as cake.

This had been the first time she had ever attempted to learn dark magic before though, so that might have been it. Shaking her head and refusing to give up, she read the page over again to make sure it was correct.

"Intoxa vecorpus: spell used for intoxicating the victims veins with poisonous liquid. Unless magically healed within an hour of use, the victim will slip into a coma, and within the next day the victim shall perish."

She sighed and got her wand out again, attempting the spell for the fifth time on a mouse she had caught inside the castle for a test subject. Those pesky mice, they would always chew on students trunks, blankets, shoes and even occasionally drop poops inside students robe pockets. She would feel bad for killing the mouse, except for the fact that one of them had eaten her cheese sandwich that a house elf made her a few days ago as a snack.

They deserve it. "INTOXA VECORPUS!" She watched as the mouth squeaked in pain and then ultimately fell over stone cold. She furrowed her eyebrows, but came to a conclusion that it was probably harsher on a smaller object than if used on a larger one like an object. That will teach you to not eat my cheese sandwich, little fucking rodents!

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