Chapter 18

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Merlin Draco, just stop thinking about her! The scene back at the snowy bridge with Coral kept repeating over and over again in Draco's head all night long. In fact, the scene wouldn't stop replaying for days. It's all that we're consuming his thoughts and every time he had seen Coral, he had gotten a very strange feeling in his stomach that he'd never felt before. He tried to shake it off but it would not work. That night, he didn't sleep at all, but instead woke up in the morning with black bags under his eyes.

A week has passed since the day Coral and Draco had been on the snow bridge, and the same thoughts consumed him. It was driving him crazy. He couldn't even focus on eating breakfast every morning and dinner every night because all he could think about was Coral WolfRose. It didn't help much that she were staying at his house either and that he were basically seeing her every second of the day constantly doing activities together, which caused his mind to become even more consumed just with the thought of her. He wanted to scream. Why couldn't he get her stupid smile out of his brain?

"Dobby, are you in there?" Draco questioned, him finding no other choice but to ask Dobby for advice.
Draco stood in the doorway with an absolute expression of desperation. He wasn't sure what was going on with himself.
"I think I'm going crazy, and I'm dying inside."

Dobby's face showed pure shock.

Draco shifted in his seat uncomfortably. "Coral is driving me mad."

"Coral? Well what is it about her that's bothering you?

"That's the thing Dobby, She isn't bothering me. Ever since the day that me and Coral found the snow bridge and that scene took place, I haven't been able to get her out of my head. The scene from the snow bridge continues to play in my head over and over like a stuck record. What's wrong with me? I think I'm loosing my mind. Yesterday I was practicing a spell, and I broke a vase on accident because I was thinking about Coral, and the time we were making a potion back in potions class. This morning, I almost tripped over a shirt in my room thinking about the time Coral and I pranked Blaise and Pansy back at the common room by releasing pixies in their dormitory. I can't stop thinking about her. The worse thing, is that I get a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach every time I see her. She makes me sick."

Dobby smiled back, his smile was so large it was even making Draco confused.

"What? What are you making that face?


"Spit it out already!" Draco demanded with annoyance.

"I think master likes her."

Draco's eyes were wide open as far as they possibly could be stretched. He was frozen and couldn't move or speak. I couldn't like Coral Wolfrose? Come on now, I'd never fall in love with someone as stupid as her. She may be my friend but that's just as a friend.
"That's non sense Dobby."

Sure, I like the way she's smiles and laughs at my jokes. Sure I like the way she dresses, the way she smells, the way she laughs. So what about it?

"Okay." Dobby sarcastically replied, not convinced at all.

Draco was confused as ever as to why he got up and began to leave.
"Wait, where are you going?"

"Master figured out all by himself what was wrong. Dobby is not needed."

Draco huffed. He refused to accept the fact that he could like Coral. She wouldn't feel the same way. She would be disgusted. What was he going to do?


Coral woke up gasping in panic to the feeling of her bed being shaken.
She thought it was an earth quake, until she looked up to see Draco jumping up and down on her bed eagerly.

The Slytherin Prophecy  | Cedric Diggory | Draco Malfoy | Harry PotterTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang