Chapter 61

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January 1, fourth year-

Students had finally arrived at Hogwarts after a long Christmas holiday on January first. As the Hogwarts express arrived, students rushed to their common rooms to unpack, and the usually quiet common room for mixed fourth years, became very loud and rowdy. Draco took no extra time to find Blaise and finally stop himself from going mad all break with no friends. Coral, Harry, and Sage took all day to plan a gathering with the people who were going to help look in the room of requirements for Voldemort's horcrux and destroy it. The trio were already making their way towards the great hall to gather their friends and come up with a plan.

Hermione, Neville, Michael, Fred and George, Ginny, Luna had all been gathered at the great hall to enjoy a meal to start off their second semester of fourth year. Of course, they were wondering where there other three friends were that had stayed behind. All to their concern, the trio showed up a few minutes later, rushing to them with news. Hermione being the first to see them enter, jolted up and ran across the great hall to throw herself into a hug with her best friend Harry.

"Harry! I missed you!" Hermione squealed, looking at the other two and smiling. She awkwardly gave them both a handshake and walked them to their usual spot at the RavenClaw table.

Coral awkwardly smiled back at her Gryffindor friend and turned to her pair of favorite twins sitting to the side. "Fred and George, I see you have some new pranks?" She asked jokingly, eyeballing the pile of muggle magic kits in front of them.

Fred nodded and George blasted a firework into the air with a mischievous smirk. "Plenty at that!" Replied George.
"Very plenty!" Added Fred.

"It's great to have you guys back, Hogwarts was no fun without all of you." Harry commented to the table, digging into his giant plate of food along with Sage and Coral. Ginny was too distracted holding onto her boyfriend for dear life after a long holiday.

"We could say the same about you three." Said Michael. "I couldn't imagine having to spend a whole holiday with Malfoy."

"He actually wasn't too bad!" Coral chirped all too quickly making everyone send her an odd look. "I mean... he was tolerable. Other than when he made me be his assistant after taking my wand.."

"He took your wand?" Neville asked with a mouth full of food. Luna furrowed her eyebrows and nodded waiting for an answer.

"It's nothing, I won the bet anyways." Coral grumbled.

"Enough funny chat. We have something serious to ask of all you." Interrupted Sage. "Harry, Coral, and I all have something, a very hard request."

Hermione dropped her fork to her plate and her attention was quickly focused. "And what is this?"

"Well, see, I need help searching for my grandmothers old tiara which can happen to be found in the room of requirements on the seventh floor. I was wondering if you all might be able to help us three look today?"

"Room of requirements, eh?" A voice with a mocking tone asked from behind the group followed up with several interested chuckles.

The group turned around to find Crabbe, Goyle, Cedric, and Phoenix behind them. Coral blinked twice to make sure that it was Cedric Diggory actually associating with the three Slytherin goons she hated. It seemed all her friends were thinking the same, the expressions they were showing.

"Where's cho, Cedric?" Asked Harry angrily. Harry was angered at how he could have become friends with them three idiots. He turned to Coral and whispered. "Wheres Draco and Blaise?"

"I don't know, I don't think Draco is friends with them anymore remember? He told us during holiday?"

"Oh right."

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