Chapter 86

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The first day back at Hogwarts had come. The air was fresh, and leaves fell lightly off the whomping willow. Students were getting dressed in their robes, preparing to make their way to the great hall for breakfast, and then after classes. Over the night, the professors had worked on adding in more tables in the great hall because of lack of space, as well as an expansion charm on the great hall. There was now two of every table per house. Professor McGonagall thought it would be a good idea to allow a table for first to fourth years, and another for fifth to Seventh years. As younger years began to file in one by one, they were in awe at the revamped version of the great hall. A larger one, with more space to the point of where they would no longer be cramped. The professors were putting in a lot of effort to make sure that everyone was comfortable despite the abnormal amount of students the school now had.

The smell of breakfast filled the castle halls. The sixth years had began making their way to the great hall, some behind and some still asleep. Coral had walked by herself, since she woke up five minutes late and the only one left in the common room were students who were still sleeping, or ones that were getting ready like Draco, who took forever on his perfectly styled hair. No one had no one had bothered to wake up poor Neville Long-bottom, as he slept like a baby. Only a few students were left, which included Phoenix, Blaise, and Draco Malfoy. Blaise was just going to wake Neville up, the normal way. That was, until Phoenix Barlow thought it would be funny to pull a prank on him.

"Wait! " Phoenix devilishly called out to Blaise, turning back to Neville with a smirk.

Blaise furrowed his eyebrows turning back to his Slytherin friend. He already could tell Phoenix was up to no good.

"What if we wake up our good friend, Neville?"
Phoenix slyly began, tip toeing over to Neville's bed. "Since none of our other friends thought it would be kind to let him know it was breakfast time."

"Okay?" Blaise cautiously replied, waiting for a 'but....'


"Ah there it is! The other part I was waiting for" Blaise rolled his eyes.

"What if we prank Longbottom. You know, wake up him with a nice morning gift?" Phoenix chuckled, conjuring a tarantula.

Blaise's eyes widened at the tarantula crawling in Phoenix's hand. It gave him the shivers. As a snake, he hated spiders. Before he would have thought it was the funniest thing ever to mess with a Hufflepuff like Neville. However, they were really close friends now. It was still just a harmless prank though. It's not like they were doing it out of a rivalry. It was more of a friend prank.
"Fine" he sighed, a slight smirk growing on his face.
"But it was your idea!"

Phoenix snickered and carefully inched over Neville's bed, placing the spider. The duo watched, trying extremely hard to not laugh as it inched up the bed closer to Neville's face. Phoenix couldn't help but burst into laughter, as the tarantula was now making its way on Neville's face, stopping on his forehead. The duos laughter quickly woke up Neville Longbottom, as he looked around the room confused, with groggy half-opened eyes.

"What's going on?" Neville innocently asked, before he could see something black... and moving in his view near his hair. "W-what?"

It was until he realized that the duo was laughing and staring at his forehead, before he quickly shot up out of bed and ran to the mirror. He rubbed his eyes, as they nearly shot wide open as he was hit with the realization there was a giant spider on his forehead.


Was all you could hear before he ran out of the common room, towards the great hall screaming all the way there. His screams echoed through the hall as students watched, laughing as he passed by them screaming.

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