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The weather was beautiful, and skies of blue sheltered Hogwarts on September twenty third. Now that it was a fresh, new day, students were working towards completing their day at Hogwarts again. It was two thirty, only thirty minutes until school would be dismissed and fourth year students would be meeting Professor Snape inside the staff room for their hands on lesson with a real Boggart for DADA. It was safe to say that every single one of the students felt terrified, mostly because they didn't want their embarrassing fears being revealed to their peers. For Hufflepuff and Slytherin that had last period being DADA with Snape, they continued to finish their lesson on Boggarts from yesterday, and then make their way towards the staff room with Snape. While class was dismissed, students filed into the corridors of Hogwarts from all directions. Cedric, Ernie, and Coral walked together in a group following Professor Snape as he strutted down the corridors and down a few flights at the grand staircase onto the ground floor. A few minutes of walking, and they entered into a mid-sized room that was open and had a large cabinet. The students who had been waiting from other classes outside the door followed into the room behind the Hufflepuff and Slytherin students. The cabinet however, was moving and thrashing about making students flinch every movement.

"Get into a single filed line, then we can start the lesson." Snape coldly demanded, narrowing his eyes watching as the room full of fourth years pushed and shoved each other around to get closer to the front.

Draco Malfoy shoved a Hufflepuff out of the way followed with a grunt, and took his spot third to the front, behind Blaise and Phoenix. Just after Draco, Dean Thomas and Hermione stood behind them, following Harry, Ron, Neville, Michael, Sage, Cedric, and Coral. A long line continued after, and they'd probably be in it for hours. After a few long seconds, a line was formed of all fourth years and Snape nodded, walking over towards the cabinet.

"I am going to release the boggart. When it shifts into your fears, you will cast the Riddikulus spell to change it. Do not let it get to you, and overcome it with the spell." Snape instructed, receiving nods as he pulled a lever on the cabinet, and a black mass floated out of it placing itself in front of Blaise Zabini who was first in line.

Students watched, as the boggart began shifting into something, and Blaise gulped. A final form of the boggart was shown, and it revealed a old version of Blaise and everyone stood trying not to laugh, that is except Blaise who was uncomfortable.

"What the hell, Blaise?" Draco snorted, laughing at the older version of him. "You're scared of old people?"

Blaise frowned and shook his head. "I'm scared of getting older, or becoming old." He replied, cringing that everyone knew that embarrassing secret.

"Use Riddikulus, laughter will make it go away." Snape suggested.

Blaise nodded, and drew his wand. "RIDDIKULUS!"
He said, and the boggart turned into the older version of Blaise, but in makeup and a sparkly pink dress. The class bursted into laughter, along with Blaise, and the boggart went to its original form.


Phoenix Barlow nodded and walked forward, watching as the boggart took form a Norwegian Dragon. Gasping, the class took a few steps back from the gigantic dragon that was taking up most of the space in the room. Breathing heavily, Pheonix drew his wand. "Riddikulus." He said, watching as the dragon was transformed into a dragon with no legs. It flopped to the floor like a fish, and the class roared with laughter.


Draco inhaled and stepped forward, watching as the boggart turned into Lucius Malfoy. He shook in his shoes as the form of Lucius came forward towards him with an angered expression. Stopping in front of Draco, the form shook its head.

The Slytherin Prophecy  | Cedric Diggory | Draco Malfoy | Harry PotterOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora