Chapter 79

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That morning, Coral woke up to the strong smell of freshly cooked breakfast and lingering scent of squeezed oranges. Slowly opening her eyes coming to a realization that she was at her boyfriends house on his bed, she turned to be stripped of the sight of her boyfriend. Where did he go so early in the morning? Confused, she quickly got up to maintain her hygiene and have a quick shower. She had remembered that Draco told her they'd be going out today, and of course that meant she was to look nothing less than acceptable to the public that would be watching the first public confirmation of her and Malfoy's relationship. It was surely going to be news to all, except for those who secretly knew at Hogwarts.

Draco had been up bright and early, taking in the peaceful sounds of birds chirping and trees whistling. He had decided that he would do something special for his girlfriend, as he realized way too late that they hadn't really done anything really couple related at all because of the war. It was more of a physical and personality attraction so far, but Draco wanted to go deeper. He wanted to see how much he and his girlfriend could truly connect, and if she really felt as much as he did for her. They were getting older, with more room for compassion and maturity relationship wise. It was no longer young aged puppy love, they were heading into adult years soon and Draco wanted to begin to act like a man, not a boy who swoons over his grade three crush. Who was to blame though that he felt like he needed to do more to make sure their relationship was growing, nearly every guy at Hogwarts used to swoon over Coral Wolfrose, and he knew they still secretly did, knowing they'd be outed if he found out about it. No guy was to be trusted, and that included Phoenix. Wait? Why was he thinking about him again!? This was supposed to be a relaxing day focused on each other, not one full of drama and anxiety. Sighing, Draco sent Winky the elf to apparate to the fanciest restaurant at Diagon Alley to make sure everything was set for the date he spent days planning. Everything had to be perfect, and no one was going to ruin it!

Coating her last layer of mascara magically, Coral smiled at her over achieved makeup look of the day with confidence and began to strut downstairs to visit her boyfriend for a quick snack before leaving on their planned date. She hadn't been this dressed up since fourth year Masquerade ball, the one where she and Draco shared their first kiss. Oh, how silly young crushes could be. Smirking at the memory, she carefully stepped down Draco's grand staircase making an entrance which left the shocked blonde Slytherin boy staring with awe.

"Coral! Wow you" He blurted, instantly mentally smacking himself in the face before getting up to hug her.

"Hot? Thanks blondie. You look hot yourself if you wanna play that kind of game." She snickered, Draco's confused expression turning into a frown.

Hot? HOT?! Seriously idiot, that's what you say to your girlfriend? No. You call her beautiful now, not hot like some cheating skimpy slag dressed in nothing but undergarments. "Sorry, just my first reaction." He apologized, knowing she took his stupid compliment lightly, it still worried him though with how nervous he was. He was really going to put himself out there tonight, and really let Coral know who he truly was and why he was the man he is today. He wanted to open up, and for her to do the same. He was tired of playing young crush games, he was going to turn this around and step up his game. Show her what a real relationship is like when they were growing up. No more innocent school sweethearts. Not with all the threats around, he had no room to spend fooling around. "What I meant to say was you look beautiful today, as always."

Blushing , she smiled and sat next to Draco to quickly snack on some toast. She didn't want to fill herself as Draco mentioned they'd be going somewhere to eat. Speaking of going, she hardly had enough time to finish the slice before it was time for them to go. She was excited, she hadn't seen Diagon Alley in over a year, and that place always brought her memories and good vibes. Nothing would compare to Hogsmeade though, and the memories she spent with her friends there. From the shack, to sneaking out in fourth year with Sage to stupidly get drunk so young, and even to spending time there with her friends she would forever know called the Gemini Squad, Hogsmeade would be a place in her heart known to be the center of everything, right next to Hogwarts.

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