Chapter 97

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Two days had gone by of the same routines, the same tiring classes and same tiring duties as head girl. It was now finally Saturday night, and the group was throwing a party hosted by Fred and George at the Gemini shack. Nearly everyone in the entire year of sixth and seventh would be attending, making the shack grounds for complete chaos. Draco and Coral were still having issues, and at this point they were having a hard time trying to find a remaining connection between them. Both had not found the courage to speak to each other again after their last argument. Draco was too stubborn to apologize and Coral was too busy to find the time to attempt to speak with him privately. It was hard when he constantly had Blaise and Everett by his side like Crabbe and Goyle used to be before they died. However, there would have to be a time where they would talk again, and both knew that the outcome would most likely not be in their favor. Coral assumed Draco still wanted to party and run wild like before, and she out of everyone refused to feel like a chain holding someone down. Draco assumed Coral had too many guys chasing after her, which caused him to over react every single time. It was a constant battle field, regardless of how many times they'd apologize to each other and say they could fix the issues.

While people were making their way to one of Hogwarts most craziest parties ever, Coral decided she would stay back at her head girl room and read a book by the fireplace. It had been too long since he had a break to herself that actually hadn't been interrupted by one of her friends. A nice long night next to the crackling fireplace, with a book and some hot pumpkin spice juice was well needed. The party would go all night anyways, if she decided later she really wanted to go, she always could. The thought of her friends drunk all over the place was anything but appealing to her though. She thought she'd invite Hermione, but even Hermione was going to the party. She began to think she was being lame for not going the entire time.

At the Gemini shack the house was filled with partying teenagers, and the night had just began with students from even Ilvermorny and Durmstrang flooing in. Blaise had invited Viktor Krum and some of his friends from Durmstrang, and Everett Bluefire had invited tons of people he knew from Ilvermorny. Once people had heard that celebrities like Harry Potter were going to be there, the crowd of teens just got larger and larger. The best part about it was no adults or professors knew about about it, nor would they find out. The shrieking shack still belonged to Sage Merlin, and the professors would not be able to do anything about the raging party if they even did find out. It was the night of the wizarding jungle. The chaos had begun.

Fred and George had been old enough to purchase loads of fire-whiskey from hogsmeade, as well as they brought their own fun to the table with some of their recently invented magic mushrooms which made people have magical hallucinations. Sage had made sure to put a silencing charm over the Gemini house to make sure it wasn't attracting attention from the wizards at Hogsmeade. It was starting to remind him of the party they had in fourth year, except this one was ten times crazier. They were sixth and seventh years now, and their boundaries were way more open then before.

Draco and Blaise had walked into the party, already catching the attention of several girls from Ilvermorny who were fans of Draco. They had walked together to take a few shots with Seamus Finnagin, who was hosting as a bar tender. Seamus was all for it, speaking he got unlimited firewhiskey and he was known for being a big drinker. Dean wasn't too happy about having his best friend stuck as bartender all night, but he ignored it once a girl had come and nearly dragged him away.

Draco had downed a shot of firewhiskey, then another. A few more after that, and he was just one more away from being blacked out.

Blaise wasn't too amused with Draco. He knew Draco had developed some-what of a drinking problem since they started sixth year.
"You better calm down there, D." He huffed, looking at him with concern. "Don't forget you still have a girlfriend to worry about."

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