Chapter 27

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The morning had come, bringing brightness to the sky, now filling the ocean scented common room with a refreshing clarity. The harmonies of birds chirping gently woke up each RavenClaw student one by one however, not one specific visiting student from the Slytherin house.
Sage Merlin slid out of his bed, and brushed his teeth. Following quickly right after his room mate Michael Corner stretched his tired body, and prepared himself for the school day ahead of him.
With twenty minutes left until class, Sage walked over towards his backpack gathering necessary items he would need for the day. He couldn't pick what shirt to wear under his RavenClaw Robe. Looking around, he noticed his best friend were still sleeping. He continued to stare at Coral eagerly wondering when she might wake up. A smile crept onto Sage Merlin's face as a devious plan filled his bright mind.

"Hey Michael. Wouldn't it be fun to pull a prank?"


"Shut up, stop laughing Corner. You're going to ruin it!" Sage deviously looked down smirking at the sleeping girl underneath him.

"Sorry!" Michael said with a grin plastered on his face. "Just do it already before I can't hold back my laughter any longer!"

Michael slammed his hand over his mouth trying his absolute hardest to not let a sound out of his mouth.
He hitched his breath and widened his eyes as Sage began to lean over Coral's sleeping body. Grabbing a can of whip cream, Sage hovered the can over Coral's hand releasing the sweet fluff watching it fall into a soft, swirled pile on her hand.

"Michael, the feather." He said smiling at Michael then quietly sneaking around the room to put the can down. "You do it."

Michael deviously tip toed over to the bed where her sleeping body lie, now positioning himself to hover over Coral's face.

"I'm so scared, what if she wakes up and hex's us to oblivion, or even worse, curses us." Michael nervously said while hesitating to place the feather in his hands anywhere near her face.
"I don't want to die, Merlin."

Rolling his eyes, Sage tip toed over to Michael and snatched the feather away from his cowardly friend.
"Oh you're such a coward. It's just Coral." Sage scoffed while shaking his head in disbelief.
"Watch how the master does it." Sage smiled at his nervous watching friend, then positioned the feather that were in his hand. He placed the feather in front of Coral's nose, then wiggling the it in a back and fourth motion. The sleeping body slightly shifted positions, causing both of the boys now eagerly needing to release a giggle, to jump back nervously.

"That was close" Sage huffed nervously, then tip toed back towards the body. "Round two." Repeating the same process, her nose twitched and a faint grumbling sound were released from her mouth.

"Bloody hell, it's working!" Michael quietly laughed from the other side of the bed watching in amusement. "Keep doing it."

Sage pressed the feather harder, causing her nose to scrunch, and her hand began to raise making its way towards the location of the itch. The boys watched eagerly as her hand grew inches away from her nose, then harshly slammed itself into her nose causing an explosion of whip cream to splatter in all directions.

"AHHHHHHHHHH!" Coral shrieked angrily as the her previously peaceful , sleeping self were now covered in sweet, white, fluffy whip cream.

The sound of the boys laughter roared through the room at the sight of their friend covered in whip cream. After seconds of amusement the smile had been immediately wiped off their face, as Coral angrily jumped out of the bed raising her wand in the direction of them.

"I told you she were going to hex us to oblivion, you bloody git!" Michael Corner screamed in fear while backing himself into the wall behind him.

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