Chapter 73

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"He said to meet you, where?" Asked Sage in shock, as he, Harry, and Coral walked through flights on the grand staircases to get to DADA class before they were late. It was their last class of the day. They didn't want Snape to scold them.

"At the astronomy tower...."

"At eleven at night? Is he mad?" Scoffed Harry, shaking his head at the thought of Draco getting Coral in trouble.

"Although, Harry, you don't seem to worried about sneaking around with Ginny doing who knows what? Tell me again what the room of requirements is meant for again when couples use it?" Coral fired back, his face turning a scarlet red from embarrassment. "I thought so."

"I'm sure whatever Draco is planning, Coral here is smart enough to not make any stupid decisions." Added Sage, much trust in his best friend.

"Trust me, I'm not thinking of doing anything other than talking tonight. Unlike Harry, I don't think getting frisky is appropriate until sixth or seventh year. I guess my opinion back in fourth year when I asked Phoenix Barlow to take my virginity, wasn't really me thinking at all. I only did it because I thought Cedric left me for Cho because I wasn't easy enough..."

"You do know we are one month away from summer and then it's sixth year?" Argued Harry, his defense coming from his opinion of how he thought they were old enough to make mature decisions now. "I defeated Voldemort for crying out loud, I'm pretty sure I can have a night with my girlfriend without having to worry about anything."

"That's great, however, my opinion stays strong about when I believe I will be ready to take the steps you already have," Coral paused, ignoring how uncomfortable Sage looked from the argument between she and Harry. "I just hope that isn't what's on Draco's mind."

"You never know, he might just want to spend time with you. You have been in a coma for two months after almost being murdered by a death eater." Sage interrupted, as they stopped before the DADA door class. "Ladies first?"

Coral smirked, preparing to use her famous line.
"Ah, I guess you both should go first then." She spat, her smartness of the comment making her snicker.

"Like I haven't heard that one before." Hissed Sage sarcastically, as he rolled his eyes and swaggered into the classroom after Harry who had taken the opportunity to steal a front row table next to Hermione, Neville, Michael, and Phoenix.

"I can't believe Mcgonagall still has all four houses taking classes together." Coral said, looking at all the Hufflepuff, RavenClaw, Slytherin, and Gryffindor sitting in small portions. "Can't she see we mostly all get along now?"

"You can thank Parkinson. Too bad she wasn't wiped out along with Crabbe and Goyle." Added a voice from behind them both, as they sat down together at a round table suited for five.

"Hello, Malfoy. Hello Zabini." Sage greeted rather sarcastically, dropping his DADA book on the table below him. "I wonder where Michael is?"

"Ah, Corner." Sneered Draco, eyeballing down Ash Riddle who were sitting with a bunch of Slytherin at a table nearby. "I believe he said he had to help Hagrid or something, probably find some type of weird food for his millions of forbidden creatures."

"Strange, he told me he was going to help Mcgonagall organize cauldrons for her transfiguration lesson tomorrow." Coral shrugged, turning to the left to see Ash Riddle staring directly at her with confusion in his eyes. She had yet to explain to him as of why she was in a coma for two months. Seeing that Ash now had a group of friends like Myles Bletchley however, didn't make him much of a priority. He'd live without her.

"Michael's always getting into trouble, isn't he?" Blaise asked, watching as Professor Snape entered the classroom and strut to the front with eagle sharp attention placed towards their group, specifically. "I bet we all be on our best behavior for the rest of the school year in his class."

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