Chapter 93

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St.Mungos had been empty that night, as the healers went home leaving one to tend to Ash Riddle and Coral WolfRose. Luckily for Coral she was healed easily, and was ordered to be sent back to Hogwarts. Ash Riddle however, was under a magically induced coma by the healers as there had been some complications during healing from the blood ring the healers were unsure of how to fix. The healers were not sure of how long Ash Riddle would be in the hospital, but they assumed it would be weeks. They'd have to work with the minister and Auror's to figure out how to undo the damage done to his body, it was something they didn't know about.

Coral was worried more than ever, without the head boy there at Hogwarts how would she manage all of her head girl tasks. Ash was the only one she had been hanging out around and now that he was gone she was sure she'd be alone. Sage was busy with Hermione, Draco would be doing quidditch with the boys, and everyone else was all paired off into couples and she was more than uncomfortable forcing herself to be a third wheel. She'd have to find something to do in the mean time to spare her time. She was just glad this war was finally over. Her life would be normal for once and she'd get to experience HogWarts as a sixth year how it should be, free of chances of death and free of war.

Draco's eyes had grown bags darker than the night sky, as he waited at the great hall for Coral to return from St. Mungos. He was still seething at Everwick Merlin for not letting him floo to St. Mungos. It were three in the morning, and everyone had gone to bed, except for him and Sage. Sage wanted to make sure that Coral knew that Aurora's body had been taken to the Riddle graveyard, and that Hogwarts was now under control. They had spent the entire day calming students down and assuring parents everything at the castle was fine again. Sage was still exhausted out of his mind from the battle he had with Aurora. Even he wasn't sure if he was going to make it out. He got lucky because of the timing.

Sage's head fell off his arm that we're supporting it, nearly hitting the RavenClaw table in the great hall.
"Coral should have been back by now." He groaned, lazily sipping his pumpkin juice.

Draco was half asleep in his arms. "Just let me sleep for five more minutes, mum?"

Sage rolled his eyes at the blonde Slytherin boy. Pathetic. Finally, the flash of the fireplace grew larger in shades of green. He turned in relief to see Coral finally standing in it, instead of an auror.
Sighing that Draco was sleeping, he smacked him over the head with a newspaper.

"AGH!" Draco yelled one panic, turning a shade of pink realizing he weren't in bed.
"Merlin." He growled.

Coral noticed the two boys waiting for her with a smile. Although she were still in immense pain, she was glad to be back. She walked over to the table in an achy scoot. She could still hardly move her bruised up legs. At least everything was over.

"Coral!" Sage greeted, dragging a half-asleep Draco by the neck of his robe. "Get up you ass, your girlfriend is back."

"Mmm, Yeah, I see. ." Draco grumbled, pushing Sage off. "I'm not blind!"

"No, but you are an idiot." Sage sassed, rolling his eyes.

Coral shook her head at the two boys arguing and took a seat at the table with a huge sigh of pain.
"Ow. Hey."

Sage was shocked at the number of bruises covering her body. She looked like she was hit by a semi-truck and then ran over by a airplane tire after.

"I see Draco is sleeping." Coral hissed, swatting him over the head. "How is he my boyfriend again?"

"Give me five more minutes, Dobby." Draco groaned.

Coral scoffed at her boyfriend who didn't seem to even notice she was back. Some boyfriend he was.
"So Sage, mind filling me in on the details before we head off to bed?"

Sage nodded.
"Yes, so to sum it up Aurora's body is in a grave, and everything is back in order thanks to the Gemini group and the aurors. We can finally start our first normal day at Hogwarts tomorrow." He paused looking at her bruises again. "Isn't there a potion you can take to get rid of those? They are huge?"

"Yeah, but I would have had to stay at the hospital for another two hours which I wasn't going to do. I'll live with some bruises."

"You know the students are going to stare at you even more?"

"That's alright." She nodded. "I can't stand being in that hospital it's empty and kind of creepy when it's night time. There's only one light on in the entire hospital which makes it look like a wheel chair is going to come rolling at me with no one in it. You know, like a horror movie?"

Sage shrugged in confusion.
"Not really but I'll take your word for it." He said looking at Draco angrily. "He's lucky he's your boyfriend otherwise, I would have hexed him into next year by now."

"What do you expect, it's Draco." She laughed, shaking her head.

"Sometimes, I feel like you just are dating him because you think he's hot." Sage scoffed.

"Partially true."

The both of them laughed while Draco slept through their insults. They decided to leave Draco there asleep while they made their way to head their separate ways for bed.

Sage's smile grew to a frown as they began to walk separate directions.
"Don't get me wrong..." he paused thinking about how to say what he was going to say in the nicest way. "You and Draco are a powerful couple, but does he really treat you how to deserve to be treated? I mean he can't even wake up for a minute to greet his girlfriend that just spent her entire day suffering in the hospital. There are many guys at this school who would literally be hexed just to date you, and they'd treat you like the amazing person you are. Sometimes it isn't about power or popularity, or looks. Out of all people, you know that. You need to remember who you are, and why you don't have to settle for anyone who won't treat you how to deserve to be treated. You deserve the world, like Hermione is for me. She is my priority in everything I do. I put my full effort into our relationship and everything I do for her and it's reciprocated. I'm starting to worry if Draco is the one for you? It seems he puts you second, second to quidditch, second to his friends. Not to mention he gets jealous when you have any guy friends. That's not very healthy. I feel like you've given him many chances and he hasn't done anything to meet your expectations. Ultimately that's your choice to make though. I hope you think about it. Everything is better now so you have new things to focus on. That's yourself. Goodnight."

Coral stood wide eyed in the corridors of Hogwarts alone. Was Sage right? Was Draco treating her how he should be? They were sixth years now and everyone around her seemed to be head over heels in love with their partners. Draco on the other hand was more in love with Blaise and Quidditch.
She just wanted someone who cared enough to put her first. She had never had that. It made her sad seeing how much Harry cherished Ginny, or Neville and Luna. It was obvious Draco could never provide her that, but there was something keeping her staying. Draco was still that stuck up pureblood who knew he was superior, even though he played it low now because he wanted to fit in. Of course Draco liked her, but he didn't show it enough. She'd have to see where things between them would go. She had to think about what was best for herself and Draco in the long run. Would they be able to get to a point everyone else was at, or was it impossible due to their different personalities and beliefs?

Sighing, Coral walked up to the head common room, falling into bed in excitement for the next day. She were to finally get to have a normal life after three years of chaos. Well, at-least some what normal. There was still normal teenage drama left for her experience however. She wanted a normal teenage experience, and she definitely was finally going to get it just like the rest of the Gemini group.

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