Chapter 36

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Nearly four hours had passed, as it was around two o'clock in the afternoon. Coral and Cedric had spent time walking around Hogwarts doing stuff like playing with spells for fun and conjuring stuff. They were now sitting inside the hufflepuff common room next to the fireplace, where Cedric created a daring idea of how they could go to Knockturn alley. He explained to her what Knockturn Alley was, and she refused to go there. Especially knowing of her own existence being a target to dark wizards like those would lurk around there. After several minutes of convincing Coral, she finally agreed to his horrible plan.

"This is a horrible idea, Cedric." Coral nervously whispered, as they floo'd into a random fireplace inside Knockturn Alley.

"Knockturn Alley!" Cedric said, as they were instantly swooped into a bunch of green flames.

Being swooped up and spit out of a dark fireplace in a cramped , musty building, they got up and dusted the dirt off of their clothes. Curiously looking around the room, her eyes widened from seeing all of the creepy things placed around the room.

She nervously turned to Cedric walking over and picking up a bottle with a spider venom label on it . "Any clue of where we are?"

He placed a old mouse skull down that he had studied. "I believe this is Borgin and Burke's." He continued , walking around and studying the store.

"Which is?"

"A dark wizards store. Mostly artifacts and cursed stuff. It seems to be empty."

Coral exhaled deeply. "Oh. We probably should not be touching anything then!" She chirped, looking around the store quietly.

Cedric turned towards the window view to the alley way of KnockTurn and inhaled from being startled that someone was looking inside the window of the shop at the artifacts. He studied the face, and his eyes widened realizing it was Draco Malfoy from school.

"Uh, Coral." He nervously said, backing up towards the back of the store.


"Is that Draco Malfoy, looking in the window?" He frantically asked, backing into Coral.

Coral spun around angrily looking at the platinum blonde waiting outside the window by himself. "Of course, yes it is. What is he doing here...?"

"Damn! We have to hide, we aren't supposed to be in here. We could get in big trouble if someone like a dark wizard were to catch us lurking around. " He worriedly stated, looking around the room for a potential hiding place.

Coral skittishly eyeballed Draco as he made his way towards the front door. "We are so dead. He's going to see us in here and hex us into next month."

Looking around desperately, Cedric found a large cabinet and quickly pulled Coral into it, shutting the door to it, and sliding the eyehole open so they could see outside. Seconds after, the door opened with the chime of a bell connected to the door. Draco walked inside looking around the room.

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