Chapter 42

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Nearly three full quick months had passed since students had taken the Hogwarts express back home from Hogwarts for summer vacation, and it was now August thirty first, just a day away from school. The weather outside was slowly falling back into a gloomy state as it inched near fall by day. Not surprisingly, letters were owled into old students and new students homes one by one reminding them that a new school year started tomorrow and that they would be needing to make their trips to Diagon alley today for the essential school supplies. The loud tapping on windows by their owls woke up students early that morning, just so they could all have enough time to go gather their supplies by the end of the day and be ready to board the train in the morning.

Coral Wolfrose however, wasn't one of the students who needed to be woken up by the pesky tapping on her window. Nearly running, she bolted down the staircase launching the window open and ripped the expected letter out of her owls talon. My letter, finally my letter back to Hogwarts has come! She eagerly cheered to herself, ripping the letter open as if it was nothing but air. There was nothing Coral wanted more to go back to what she called her second home, Hogwarts. The days she spent drowning with boredness all summer wishing she could just be back at school with all her friends were a count of all too many. She couldn't wait to see her favorite pair of red headed twins, and her maple haired boyfriend's sparking grey eyes. Most of all, she couldn't wait to slap Sage Merlin in the back of the head for ordering ten pizzas to her house as a joke last week which she had to pay one hundred dollars for. With an unexplainable amount of bliss, she began reading the letter which was certainly addressed to her from Hogwarts School of witchcraft and wizardry.

Dear Ms. WolfRose
We are pleased to inform you that you have been invited back to another year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment.
Term begins on 1 September. Be at the train station platform 9/3 4 by eight o clock am sharp.

Also to let students know, since apparation in school grounds has been an large issue for the last two years, professors at Hogwarts including myself have put a charm so students will not be able to apparate inside school grounds. The only accepted form of transportation for third years and up is floo or the Knight bus. Sorry to say, but apparation is a dangerous form and there is no way we professors will be liable for students splinting during apparation. Even for older students who have been taught this such matter of transportation in classes from the following years before.


Fourth year students will require:

Dress Robes (only for special occasions that will occur through the year)
Note: fourth year students and up are able to wear normal clothing instead of dress robes daily, it is not required. House themed clothing would be appreciated by professors if you could work towards only wearing the colors of your houses.

The Standard Book of Spells, Grade 4 by Miranda Goshawk
The Dark Forces: A Guide to Self-Protection

Yours sincerely,
Minerva McGonagall.

Throwing her letter on the table, she quickly scrambled to find her wand so that she could apparate into Diagon alley. Even thought she was able to use wandless magic, she still felt more safe using her wand instead.

"Mom!?" Coral shrieked, waiting for a quick reply.

Waiting a few seconds later with no response she began to assume her mother left for work, and that she would most likely be going shopping alone once again. What's this splinting that Mcgonagall was going on about in the letter? I've never had any issues with apparation and neither have any of my friends. It must have been a stupid first year who went and messed everything up, now how am I supposed to get around from the Gemini house to school every day? Floo... I hate flooing! She complained to herself feeling overly agitated. She hated to admit it, but apparating was one of her favorite things to do other than the fact it made her nauseous. It was a quick way to get places and a huge time saver when it came to being in difficult situations like she had been in third year many times before.

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