Chapter 95

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"Turn to page 876." Snape demanded, as his advanced gifted potions class was in session. "Today we are learning about Howling Bane Potions."

Coral had been worried, as she no longer had a potions partner now that Ash were gone. Sure, she was fine completing stuff by herself, but class was always easier with him there. It was day two without Ash Riddle at school. She had not spoken a word to Draco since their argument with Draco after breakfast the previous day. Their relationship was going down hill, and fast. She was starting to wake up and realize was everyone else was telling her. He put no effort in to apologize. She knew she shouldn't have expected better from him anyways, he was still Draco Malfoy. It wasn't like his entire character would completely change because of a war he wasn't involved in. Nothing he experienced molded him to change him enough to be any different than he was before.

"Anyone care to explain what the Howling Bane Potion is?" Snape darkly questioned.

Hermione's hand flew up, as usual. Half of the room rolled their eyes at her.

"Miss Granger." He called with annoyance.

"It's commonly used to speed up the process of when a werewolf transforms back into a human after a full moon."

"Correct. When you mix Wolfsbane with the Werewolf hair, you get the Howling Bane Potion. Cut up the Werewolf hair, and mix it in with the Wolfsbane." Snape finished, walking around to pass out strands of werewolf hair to each partner group. "The person who finishes first gets to keep their potion."

Hermione once again, raised her hand.
"What, Miss Granger?"

"How will we know how long to brew it for? There's no recipe!"

"I was getting to that point." Snape argued, gathering a few stack of parchment. "I am handing out the parchments with the ingredients and instructions."

Coral was trying her hardest not to laugh from the back. Hermione and Snape seemed to get on each other's nerves nearly every class. It was a pure comedy show. She eagerly waited for the items needed, before beginning to brew her potion.

Howling Bane
Cut up 3 strands of werewolf hair
Add 1 strand of werewolf hair
Mix right three times
Stir left two times
Add 2 strands of werewolf hair
Stir counter clockwise six times
Add in Wolfsbane Potion
Stir seven times

Coral was confused on why they once again were learning about werewolves, something they'd done several times already. She really wanted to learn how to brew seventh year potions like Polyjuice Potion. She highly doubted that Snape was teaching them advanced potions, even though they were advanced potions students. Even more, she'd love the idea of Snape letting them try to invent their own potions.

Sage Merlin had peered back to Coral's cauldron for a sneak peek of her progress. Hermione and Sage were surprisingly having a hard time getting the werewolf hairs just the right length to be able to make the potion work.

"Pst." Sage whispered as quietly as possible, avoiding attention from Snape.

Coral looked up, rolling her eyes as she moved on to the sixth step. The last thing she wanted was a detention as a head girl.

Sage gestured to his cauldron in panic.
"Help me!" He whispered before being swat over the head by Hermione.

Hermione sneered and pulled Sage's attention towards their cauldron by the tie. She was obviously struggling as well. Her hair had turned into a giant ball of fluff from the moisture of the potion.
"No cheating."

Coral smirked before effortlessly completing the last step and bottling a sample for Professor Snape to test out. Typically she would have completed fifteen minutes earlier than she had, but without Ash there she finished slower, just right after Cedric. She scoffed, bringing the sample to the front to stand next to him in line.
Of course he finished before me. Show off.

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