Chapter 81

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Wello, hello everyone! Long time no see. I have found inspiration to finish this book, and there will be about 50-100 new chapters before the end. I have a full plot story ready for both years that are going to be very dramatic, juicy, and heartbreaking. As the kids go into their late teen years, they are going to mature mentally and emotionally, taking on challenges that normal teenagers have when it comes to relationships and life. Expect the book to get deeper, including things can can include adult content and words that may be offensive to younger audience. I will always put a warning before any content that might be offensive, so the reader can skip the offensive parts and continue with the story. Let's goooo!

With a crazy week, following up from the madness of the wizarding world finding out the news about the revival and death of the dark lord, things were finally seeming to be coming to a normal pace for once. Coral and Sage were finally finding themselves able to look at an article without their name on it, or finding themselves able to take a walk down Diagon Alley without anyone giving them an unfriendly glare. People were finally staring to realize to be thankful to the children for such a brave act they'd committed and risking themselves for the safety of others. People were seeing them as they were, hero's.

Now, Draco and Coral were both enjoying time to themselves at the Malfoy manor. The sounds of palm leaves swaying in the summer heat, matching the harmonies of a running pool, and chirping birds were enough to send both into a state of pure oasis. Nothing could have been more relaxing then lying on pool rafts in swimwear while the warmth of the air heated their skin to a comfortable amount. Coral could see her leg was shinier than a gold plate once she lathered sunblock on every inch of her body. She was ecstatic to return home and see her friends once again. She had some owling to do to most of her friends. Draco was more than excited that he'd be able to finally leave the manor by the next morning, as his mother was to make a return. He couldn't wait to step foot back in the Wolfrose house and see his friends. Draco didn't want to admit it, but he really missed the fluffy haired RavenClaw named Sage Merlin, and his bushy haired hip attatchment, called Granger.

Coral and Draco had been relaxing, as she had introduced Draco to a muggle movie, Peter Pan. As much as Draco wanted to complain that he didn't like it, it was quite the opposite! Draco loved the idea of a flying lost boy, it did just a bit remind him of himself. Through nearly a whole bowl of popcorn, the movie had finished, thus leaving the couple to sit in a peaceful silence, something they hadn't experienced in quite a while. It was then when Draco had began to fall into a light slumber, that the fireplace next to them began to turn a lime green hue followed along with a human entity flying out with a loud thud. Draco gasped, being startled by the commotion, furrowing his eyebrows as he looked at the culprit. He instantly let out a scoff as he realized who had just flooed into his living room.

"Merlin." Draco grumpily grumbled, rolling his eyes as he turned to Coral. "Your lovely step-brother is here, making us a pleasing appearance."
The tone in his voice dripped with venomous sarcasm.

"Oh shove off, Malfoy." Sage hissed darkly. The tone of his voice was alarming to both of them. This was the usual tone Sage had carried when there had been something wrong. "We're in trouble."

Coral only begged in her mind that something wasn't wrong. Could they ever get a break? The answer, was no.

"Coral, Draco! Our battle hasn't ended yet." said Sage, a pale letter dangling from his hand, one that had the note that would change everything once again.

Corals eyes widened, trailing down to the letter that was now set on the table with a harsh smack.
"And what is this? What's wrong?"

"He's back." Sage whispered with a trembling fear. The normal blue eyes he used to express himself were now a feint hue of black. "He's out for us again."

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