Chapter 11

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Coral huffed. "Pureblood."

The door slowly opened , as she tapped her foot impatiently, as it felt like it were hours. She squirmed my way through the door into the cold Slytherin common room. Instantly, she could see her large pile of new belongings sitting on the table waiting for her. Where am I going to put all this stuff, the room will turn into a mess if there's no where to put it?

She walked up to her and Draco's shared room desperately, finding out that there was a closet. There was no way she ever wanted to put her stuff in that closet though, along with Malfoy's. Opening the sliding glass door, A wind that smelled of rain and pine blew into her face, revealing a bunch of Malfoy's clothes.

"You have got to be kidding me." Coral growled to herself, at how much clothes he had.

"You can put your stuff in there , I don't care." A familiar voice demanded, causing Coral to jump, dropping all of her clothes on the floor.

She did not feel like turning around to meet eyes with Draco Malfoy. She looked at the wall, watching Draco's shadow come closer to her own, listening to his footsteps clacking against the floor loudly.

"We are sharing this room, so I will just have to put up with actually sharing it." Draco sternly replied.

She looked up with a sarcastic chuckle.
"Who are you and what have you done with Draco Malfoy?"
Studying the size of the closet, there was still half of it empty.
"It's rather huge."

"Huge? I would consider the closet rather small compared to mine back home." He scoffed.


"Yes? Horribly small!" He spat out, throwing himself onto his bed.

If this is small, I wonder what his house looks like... Coral rolled her eyes, unpacking her luggage. About ten minutes had passed when she had finished up. Quickly, she went to get Eclipse out of her cage to play. She could feel Draco's glare following her as he was studying her every move.

"So that puffskein, is it really yours?" Draco questioned, looking at the creature with soft eyes.

"Yes she is, and her name is Eclipse. Why?"

"Oh, it's just that I've always wanted a puffskein since I was three, but father would not allow me to have such a pet. He thinks pets will ruin our house."

She looked up showing sympathy. His father seemed like a real douche.

"Do you mind, if I could hold her?" Draco asked, eyeballing the big puff ball that was walking around on her arm.

Eclipse looked at Draco and flung her tounge out licking his face, jumping onto him. Again, he bursted into laughter.
They duo jumped back startled as the the door began to creak open by itself. Draco seemed to brush it off knowing it was probably just the wind from the air conditioning. Coral however, wasn't so sure.

"It's probably just the wind, these doors are old anyways." Draco warned, laughing as Eclipse licked him again.

Draco was quick to give the creature back, his usual stone cold expression returning that Coral was familiar with.
"I'm going downstairs to talk to my friend Blaise."

Stopping just before the door, Draco grabbed her arm. Coral stood frozen in shock.

Again, they both jumped as the door slammed shut.

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