Chapter 28

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Two weeks had gone by, now leading into March , and the castle was filled with spring. Bunnies blissfully hopped around outside, wolves gracefully tore through the woods on their next hunt, and birds sung harmonies throughout the skies. The world for Coral WolfRose were not nearly as peaceful. Every day Draco had been throwing insults at her now that he and Pansy were dating. Pansy had made it a hilarious trend between the two of them to throw insults at her direction. As days flew by, Draco quickly gained popularity from all the houses with the help of Pansy and her manipulative ways to get people to like her. Draco would do anything to humiliate Coral at the orders of Pansy. He even through a hair color changing hex and made her hair pink. Pansy were out to ruin Coral's life and Draco happily followed along with no guilt or remorse. Her biggest threat was Coral, of course and she took that very heavily. People began to call Coral WolfRose "pinkie" as a nickname from her pink hexed frizzy hair that she wore for two whole days.
Draco quickly had half of the student body under his command, doing whatever he said. He grew overly confident thinking he were in charge of everyone else and even began to bully others that didn't side with him. Pansy encouraged his actions as he were shifting to be just like her. Students threw themselves at Draco as they saw his rising popularity, doing anything they could to be in Pansy and Draco's friend circle. Not one of them would dare defend a student they decided to taunt, for if they did, they'd be chosen next. They'd be made the next class joke. The circle continued as student after student gained a forced liking to Draco, and it didn't matter if they wanted to or not. However, there were a few special students who didn't care about everyone else's opinions.

Neville Longbottom, Cedric Diggory, Hermione Granger, Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, Sage Merlin, Michael Corner, Fred and George Weasley , and Coral WolfRose did not fall under the influence of Draco Malfoy and his social clique, as they would never be afraid of him. They each grew a large amount of hatred for the rest of the student body watching them act like barbaric imbeciles.

Coral and Sage Merlin had been ignoring the barbaric social standards that had risen at Hogwarts, working every day on new powers of the emerald transfix. Sage had worked Coral hard, pressuring her to quickly complete the rest of the powers , as he knew time were running out. Luckily, she had gracefully and quickly picked up on several of them quickly with only a few more to go. She had mastered the first seven powers which included dark force shields , mind telepathy, mind control , invisibility, mind reading, night vision, and Psychokinesis. The powers left for her to learn were light speed running , time manipulation, and power replication. Sage and Coral had planned to learn light running next, incase she would need to get out of a situation. They had planned for next Saturday, which was eight days away.


Michael, Sage, and Coral had been sitting down at the RavenClaw table for dinner. Coral's wondering eyes noticed Cedric had been staring at her from the HufflePuff table once again. Cedric had smirked as they'd met eyes, which scared her, resulting in her looking down at her food.

"Cedric's staring at me again, for the hundredth time." Coral sarcastically muttered under her breath with my face growing a hot pink.
She huffed, looking at Sage Merlin scarfing down the giant mass of food in front of him.
"Merlin slow down you're going to end up choking."

"Yum!" Sage replied with a mouth full of food, some falling out.

"Nice." Coral scoffed, rolling her eyes.

A large crowd of laughter had suddenly erupted from the direction of the Slytherin table. The trio of Sage, Michael, and Coral had looked over.

"Look at that guys, Neville actually decided to take a shower today, he doesn't smell like a hippogriff for once." Draco taunted Neville as he walked past the table.

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