Chapter 100

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Wooo 100th chapter! Sorry for the slow updates I have been resting from a lot of chaos.

Coral had stood frozen staring at the door of Three Broomsticks as Draco, Blaise, Everett, and Percy walked out the door, not even sparing her a subtle glance. Her frosty breath was the only thing that seemed to bring her warmth in the outside snow. Realizing what happened, she couldn't forgive herself for not letting Draco explain himself. She was nervous about how all of her friends would react knowing what she'd done. After Aurora was killed she expected things to get better, but they only seemed to be getting worse. She wondered why growing older meant there was more drama. Staring at the door, she was scared for what could come to their group and it's members in the future if people continued to change more. The very structure of their group started with her and Draco. Harry and Ginny, could that change? Fred, George, and Oliver would all be gone. Coral was scared that now that the prophecy she held had been fulfilled, that she might not be needed anymore. Was it time to start her on path with a new prophecy?

The golden bell hanging on the doorknob jingled as the door was pulled open, leaving empty Three Broomsticks empty as the fall night sky blackened. She glanced at Ash with a frown, studying his features from across the room as he read an article on Witch Weekly. Her eyes glazed over with a blur realizing the choices she had made. They were permanent and irreversible. She had just lost her best friend and boyfriend who could have very well been the one that stayed around until they were old. Even if they fought, there was still time to fix it. Not anymore, though did that choice remain.

I hope you prove to me you were worth the choice, Ash Riddle.

Sighing, she walked to Ash with her shoulders hanging low. Taking a seat next to him, she was surprised to see the paper being awkwardly offered to her by Ash.

"What is this?" Coral questioned, scanning over the article to see a picture of her and Draco.

Witch Weekly October 11
Famous wizard and witch and Pureblood Slytherin's, Draco Malfoy and Coral WolfRose are rumored to be split! Word has been spread that Draco Malfoy was seen by multiple sources coming out of a room with a unknown American witch, at one of the biggest wizarding parties in history! Another little birdy mentioned she may have slipped him a love potion! That is definitely still a mystery to be uncovered. Some more news to come soon about this! A big disappointment to all of the fans out there that followed along to this relationship. Here's been what we have gotten as responses from some fans and some famous Hogwarts students we have interviewed.

"I really saw them lasting until the end. I'm just sad and disappointed. I thought Draco was someone to look up to." -Veronica M. (Third year Ilvermorny student)

"If he was given a love potion without consent, that girl deserves to be put into Azkaban! That's a crime!" -Emily S. (Fifth year at Beaubaxtons)

"I refuse to believe it. There is always another side to the story. I was at that party, and the rumor that night was he was slipped a love potion. It needs to be investigated. Have you asked Draco and Coral themselves? Getting reliable information from the actual source might help. Don't believe everything you read in the news kids." -Cedric Diggory (sixth year at Hogwarts)

"I heard he's slept with several girls! That cheater. He deserves the hell he gets. I hate Draco Malfoy. Curse him and his family." -Lavender Brown (Sixth year at Hogwarts)

"Why dont you ask them yourself, instead of asking everyone but them, about a situation that happened to them?" - Harry Potter (Sixth year at Hogwarts)

"No comment." - Sage Merlin (Sixth year at Hogwarts)

"I don't know what's going on, it's bloody bonkers! Do you have any chicken legs?" -Ron Weasley (Sixth year at Hogwarts)

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