Chapter 34

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It had been a quick, normal week for the students at Hogwarts. The Gemini group had spent all week bonding, chatting, and really getting to know each other. Students had continued regular activities throughout the week. Since it was now Saturday, students were once again free to do as they pleased, and roam around the area also for third years and up take trips to Hogsmeade. Houses were throwing parties in their common rooms. Students were playing quidditch, and even reading in the library. Fred, George, Neville, and Michael, along with alot of other students from all houses had joined Professor Snape's new weekend dueling club, so that was the plan for that half of the Gemini team. Sage and Coral however, had scheduled to finally train for the either power of the emerald transfix which was light speed running. Sage would never admit it, but he wasn't one hundred percent sure Coral would be ready for this, but since it was nearing the end of third year, they had no choice. Still with two powers left remaining to learn, today was the only day they would be able to train.

Sage and Coral quickly took off from breakfast and made their way into the forbidden forest. They quickly walked from the great hall, nearing Hagrid's hit and making a sharp turn into the forest. Corals eyes widened , remembering the last time they were there, they had been attacked by a swarm of soul hungry dementors.

"Tell me why were going into the forbidden forest again?!" Coral frantically questioned, shaking her head with disbelief

Sage shook his head , feeling a ping of annoyance. "I told you already, six times to be exact! We need to go where no one will see us training , we need alot of running space as well." He replied, as they walked together deep into the forest.

Corals hands were trembling, as she frantically looked around full of paranoia that she'd be murdered. Sage on the other hand, found it quite hilarious of how scared she was. He wasn't worried about most things, knowing the transfix would be there to protect him. Stepping over a tree branch, Sage quickly spotted a big, circular cave to go into that seemed wide and open enough for them to begin their training.

"W-were going in there?!" She asked, stopping before the gigantic cave. She found it extremely creepy, and thought it was giving her bad vibes.

Sage rolled his eyes and grabbed her hand, tugging her into the cave before she could have any more seconds to try to back out. "Come on, you chicken!"

"I don't wanna..."

They entered the dark, musty cave and continued towards the back. Quickly nearing the end of the cave, where it came to a complete dead end, they stopped. The strong smell of musty forest vines crowded the air. There was a large burrow in the forest wall of the cave, which left them suspicious. The darkness of the vine twisted cave could give even the darkest of wizards an ultimate fright. Both felt strong sessions of chills the longer they were in.

"This should be good. We can start here." Sage said wearily, examining their creepy surroundings .

"Sage, I don't like this. Something doesn't seem right." Coral nervously replied, scooting closer to him.

"It's fine! It's abandoned obviously , no ones going to be in here." Sage confidently replied, grabbing his wand out of his left pocket and flicking a lumos spell. "Firstly, were going to practice running from here, to the other side of the cave. I'm going to create a distraction that will urge you to move faster, thus increasing the chance of you learning this faster so we can get out of here quicker."

"Distraction? What do you mean?"

"Well." He softly replied, aiming his wand into an open patch of dirt . "Serpensortia!"

They both watched, as a poisonous pit viper snake was conjured from Sage's wand and thrown onto the dirty ground just inches away from them. Sage's eyes widened, as he meant to conjure a harmless snake.

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