christmas cookies

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hi merry christmas to those who celebrate it and happy holidays

this is supposed to be like a hallmark christmas movie except with scömìche if it wasn't obvious

this is the longest thing i've ever written please enjoy 7000+ words of christmas scömìche fluff :)


Scott sat at his desk, anxiously glancing up at the entrance to his boss's office every few moments. He was awaiting news of a promotion, the one he'd been anticipating for months now. He'd been on his best behavior so his boss would be more inclined to pick him, and he hoped all of his hard work would pay off.

"Scott?" Kirstin peeked her head out of her office. "Come in, please."

Scott stood up so fast he almost had to sit back down again to keep from falling, but he kept his cool as he walked into her office. She smiled at him and gestured for him to sit. "So, Scott, as I'm sure you know, you have been in the running for a promotion for quite a while," she started as she sat in her chair. "It's a very close race between you and your coworker, Avriel, but I'm going to let you in on a little secret: I'm leaning towards you."

Scott smiled at that. "Thank you so much, Kirstin. You don't know how much this means to me."

Kirstin held up her hand to stop him from talking, even though there was a smile on her painted lips. "Nah ah. You're not in the clear yet. I have one more assignment for you, and how you do on this determines who gets the promotion."

Scott's nerves had returned. "What's the assignment? I'm ready for anything you throw at me, Kirstin."

"I know you are." Kirstin opened the file folder on her desk and turned it to face him. "This is the company's latest purchase. It may not look like much, but I believe it has the potential to be a very successful branch of ours. That's where you come in. I want you to go to Evergreen and fix this place up. Doesn't your sister live there?"

Scott nodded, his heart sinking. "Yes, she does."

Kirstin smiled. "Perfect. You can stay with her while you work on this project. I expect it to be done by the end of December."

"Yes, Kirstin. It will be."


"Hey, babe. So, um, remember that promotion I told you about?" Scott started, squeezing his phone between his cheek and his shoulder so it wouldn't fall as he walked out of his office building.

"Yes, of course. Did you get it?" Jennifer asked eagerly. "I know how hard you've been working for it."

"Well... kind of. Not really." Scott threw away the trash from his lunch so he could hold his phone to his ear and his briefcase with his other hand. "Kirstin said she's leaning towards me, but she needs me to do one more project to finalize her decision."

"Oh. Okay, then. Whatever it is, I'm sure you'll impress her."

"Thanks, Jen." Scott sighed and shook his head. "I don't know, though. You remember my sister Lauren? Kirstin wants me to stay with her in Evergreen while I oversee the remodeling of a place she thinks can be a new branch."

"That doesn't sound too hard. You've remodeled tons of places for her before."

"Yeah, that's not what I'm worried about. My sister and basically the entire town of Evergreen is obsessed with Christmas. That's why I never visit her, I just can't stand it. I swear, half the population keeps their Christmas decorations up all year. Plus, she has two kids, and how am I supposed to concentrate on this project when they'll want to play with Uncle Scott all the time?"

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