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Cold air hit the man's face as he entered the lab. This time, the place was colder than before which was odd to him.

"Everyone, I'm inside of the lab. The door has a lock now so it'll be trickier to enter this place now, thankfully I cracked the code to get in. Something's wrong here. I'll record again after I put on my protective gear on. Aka: Apron, glasses, shoes, full body suit, and everything that makes me look like an astronaut just to avoid getting cancer from the radiation in here. And let me tell you, there's a lot of it." Namjoon placed the camera down to apply the protective gear on.

He still felt strange. Stranger than the first time he found the hidden room.

"Why do I feel worse than before? There has to be some type of chemical or radiation frequency messing with me. I feel like I have to throw up." Now the curious doctor could have just exited the building, but he was determined to find Mr. Kim once more and collect any data he could from the mysterious patient.

It wasn't just a curiosity anymore, it was a necessity to calm his nerves at night.

"I know what you're probably thinking: "Why doesn't he just leave instead of risking his life because of his curiosity?" let's just say that I'm into detectives and solving mysteries. Okay?
I do realize this might harm me in the future, if anyone finds me in here I could lose my job, I'm telling you, I could even get killed. But look at this place," He dragged the camera around.

"It's so fascinating no matter how scary, gross, and old it is. That's all from me at the moment, everyone. As always, I'll probably record once I leave the building and end the night shift. Goodbye." He turned the camera off to continue exploring on his own.

«Dr. Kim, Don't Fear Me»  [K.n.j & K.s.j] Where stories live. Discover now