Chapter Twenty Five

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I was woken by Mrs Weasley gently shaking me awake.
"Time to get up," she whispered gently "can you wake Ginny and Hermione, I've got to try and wake up the boys"
I gave her a sleepy salute, heaving myself out of my sleeping bag.
"Herman, Ginny" I whispered, poking them both on the cheek until they woke up.
"Ow" Ginny groaned, slapping my hand away.
"Wake up - quidditch time" I whisper-sang.
This woke her up almost immediately, leaping out of her bed.
"Herman!" I softly shouted in her ear, making her sit up in fright, narrowly missing my head.
"What the hell Emily?"
"Quidditch time!"

As we just finished getting dressed, Mrs Weasley barged in.
"Come on, you're going to have to leave without breakfast if you don't come down now"
I nodded, making sure my backpack had everything I wanted in it.
I raced down the stairs, making sure I beat Molly, and charged into Fred.
I sneakily slipped my hand into his pocket and took some toffees without him noticing, slipping them into the front pocket of my backpack.
"Ready for the match?" I asked excitedly, looking at both of the twins sleepy faces.
"Woohoo" George yawned, weakly jumping up and down.
"Yay" Fred added, with the same amount of tired enthusiasm.

I leapt away from them as Molly entered the room, followed by Hermione and Ginny, both looking pale and drowsy.
"Why do we have to be up this early" Ginny groaned, rubbing her eyes and sitting down at the table.
"We've got a bit of a walk" said Mr Weasley
"Walk?" Harry asked, mouth agape in confusion "we're not - walking to the cup are we?"
"No, no that's miles away" Mr Weasley smiled "We only need to walk a short way. It's just that it's difficult for a large number of wizards to congregate without attracting muggle attention. We have to be very careful about how we travel at the best of times, and on a huge occasion like this -"
"George!" said Mrs Weasley sharply, making everyone jump.
"What?" He said, in an innocent tone that deceived nobody.
"What is that in your pocket?"
"Don't you lie to me!"
Mrs Weasley pointed her wand at his pocket, and said "Accio". Several small brightly wrapped objects zoomed out of his pockets; he made a grab for them but missed, and they sped right into her outstretched hand.
"We told you to destroy them!" she said furiously, holding up the toffees, "we told you to get rid of the lot! Go on, empty your pockets!"
When no more were to be found in their pockets, Mrs Weasley used the summoning charm to find the rest of them, focusing solely on the twins, the toffees flying out from all kinds of places like the lining of George's jacket and the turn-ups of Fred's jeans.
"Hey! We spent six months developing those!" Fred shouted at his mother as she threw them all away.
"Oh a fine way to spend six months!" She shrieked "no wonder you only got three OWLs!"
"In his defence Molly," I chimed in, my voice quiet "they did do 2 hours of revision with me every day for the last month"

There was no point trying to reason with Molly in her current state, my voice being ignored. The atmosphere was very unfriendly as we left, the twins walking out without even a second glance at their mum. I sent a still-glowering Molly a quick wave and raced after the twins.
"Bloody unbelievable" Fred raged, walking fast, almost stomping his feet
"so much work - gone just like that" George mourned, hanging his head.
"This is the part where you really love me" I grinned, taking my backpack off of my back quickly and showing them the contents of my pocket "nicked them out of your pocket this morning".
The twins' faces lit up like a Christmas tree, and Fred gave me a powerful kiss on the cheek.
Joy restored, we all linked arms and started skipping madly in the direction of the port key.

They slowed down considerably as they climbed the hill, all out of breath. My lungs burned as I gasped for air, flopping on my back at the top. George and Fred lay down next to me, all heaving for air.

"I'm never trying to skip up a hill again" I wheezed "screw that"
"Agreed" George groaned, flopping his arms about dramatically "I'm all turned to jelly"
Fred just let out a weird sound, reminding me of a troll's mating call.
The rest of the group reached the top a few minutes after we did, laughing at our position. No one seemed to think it was an easy journey.

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