Chapter 37

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The plans for the night were shaping nicely. Chaewon and Eun-Kyung, the two managers that went out to get the groceries, came back from the store smiling warmly at us as they started bringing in the ingredients we needed. It was when they brought in two wooden crates, each holding nine tall green bottles, that my mood began to take a different path.

I sighed deeply. Wine. They brought wine, and a lot of it. At first I chose to keep myself busy. I stationed myself in the kitchen doing prep work for the food. Jin took over manning the stove in the kitchen. Yoongi was in charge of the grill outside. I chose to start acting as a liaison between the kitchen and the grill outside.

Every time I passed those crates, sitting in a corner in the kitchen, I would attempt to avert my eyes. Pretend as if they weren't there. We decided to all eat outside at the long table near the grill. Jimin ushered past me to grab a couple of the bottles of wine and a corkscrew to open them with. Tae, Jungkook, and Joon started grabbing goblets from the cabinets. I sighed again. This time debating with myself. I can either let this happen; let them start drinking, pretending that I am completely in charge of my emotions at the moment, or I can instead speak up about why the idea of them potentially becoming intoxicated bothers the crap out of me. Explain to them why this idea haunts me.

Yes, at that moment I know that I need to speak up. I know that working through these emotions, and keeping that line of communication open is the only way this will work between us. So, before Jimin uses the corkscrew I reach out and stop his hand. He arches his eyebrows at me but when he realizes I want to say something he simply let's me take the floor.

I bite my lip first though, because it's hard to admit this. I'm afraid they will think that I don't want them to drink at all, and that's not it. That's not the problem. "Before you all start sampling the wine I think I should... No, I think I need to express something."

Joon stands up and comes over and stands next to me. One of his arms loosely around my back at the waist. "What is it?"

"Um..." How to begin? "I don't want you to keep yourselves from having fun, and I'm not opposed to a goblet of wine with a meal. I think you should know though, that I can't be completely supportive of the idea of becoming belligerently drunk. Um...I told you all my parents were in a horrible accident that took their lives. What I didn't tell you was that it was a car accident, and that the other driver had been drinking."

They take a minute to absorb that information. Some of them muttering things in Korean aloud. I'm assuming they are trying to work out how to respond. I'm not surprised that it's Joon that responds first. "First of all, none of us have ever got behind the wheel of a car after even having an ounce of alcohol. So, you will never have to worry about that with us. Secondly, you know how our schedule can be. So, because of that I hope you can understand that when we do drink in excess it is exceptionally rare and only a way for us to wind down. Lastly, and perhaps most importantly, we will never ever push you to join us if that's not what you want to do."

I nod. "I was just afraid that you might misconstrue what I was saying. That you might think that I was telling you that I didn't want you to drink, when that's not the case at all. I do have the occasional glass of wine with a meal myself, but outside of that I personally can't get behind the idea of drinking for fun."

I notice a few of them glancing at their empty goblets. I can only guess they are considering abstaining from drinking for the rest of tonight, but I won't let them when they had already chosen to use this night to unwind. It was basically their first night free for a week after all. They deserved to relax and have fun. "Please don't refrain on my account."

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