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Aaron's POV

"Espesso", Abi asked me with her cute silver eyes bulging wide open. Her eyes shone in amazement as the waiter served mom and dad with two miniature cups of espresso.

Abi was amazed by the thin layer of cream on top in the shape of a feather. She looked at dad with her mouth hung open and asked for a sip of the yucky tasting Espresso.

Abi was 6 years old while I was around 17. Dad said no to Abi because he was afraid that she would become hyperactive after having caffeine at night and won't go to bed.

But Abi was not the one to give up so easily. While dad spotted a friend of his and went off leaving his espresso behind, Abi grabbed the cup and before I and mom could stop her, she took a sip.

Letting out an 'Aaah' she stood up to grab the pitcher of water but ended up toppling the cup of espresso. Abi cried out in pain as the hot liquid dripped down her t-shirt and hands.

An hour later we were in the hospital getting her burn treated and then in the ENT's room checking her tongue for serious burns. To make it simple, it spoiled our perfect family night but I couldn't be happier, I wanted to go home and speak with my friend… with benefit.

Dad was mad at the poor little 6 year old for going behind his back and stupidly drinking a boiling hot cup of bitter liquid.

After facing dad and mom's wrath on disobeying, she came out of their room sobbing and yelled for me. "Aaron", she said as she hugged my legs being only 4 feet tall. She was really shot.

Suddenly, I heard another yell. "Aaron, please", I heard her voice… only it was a bit less pitchy and sounded more like her present voice.

Suddenly waking up, it took me a second to realize that I was actually in… my hospital, next to dad. Wait, dad? Oh right. He fell down the stairs.

I felt someone call out my name again but this time it was mom. She rushed into the room, kicking the curtain out of the way.
"Aaron, come with me", she said hurriedly.

I followed her swiftly as she caught my hand and dragged me towards the elevator. I tried talking to her but mom just huffed and puffed all the way… wherever we were going.

The elevator dinged and I found myself on the ground floor of my hospital. It was dawn and everything looked well. Except for mom. She dragged me again towards the exit and I found myself walking towards the pediatric block.

Oh my gosh. Did something happen to Abi? Okay, I am getting scared. Why is mom not talking? Not even a single word? "Mom, what happened", I asked her but she continued walking, not even looking at me.

"Mom. Answer me. Goddamit", I roared at her. I wanted to know what happened and I want to know it Right Now. This instant. No one dares make me tell anything twice but I guess mom just did.

"Aahana is… hurt", mom said, giving me a glare. Something she never does. Weird.

"Can you elaborate", I asked mom. Thankfully this time she felt the… irony in my voice and replied hurriedly "I went home tonight with Abi and Mason. He was the one who dropped us".

"Aahana was with Isabella and around an hour ago, Isabella dropped Aahana at our home. I left Abi and Aahana together in the living room and when I-I came back downstairs Aahana couldn't breathe".

I stared at Mom. My little sister. My baby sister. Is she alright? On reaching the huge glass building, mom made her way to the 5th floor along with me. The elevator dinged once again as I stepped out into the NICU.

I passed room after room with mom until we reached no. 15. I and mom stood outside the door, looking through the glass pane as the doctors worked on my little baby sister.

I felt a shiver up my body as I stood outside. Something was just not right. I had the same feeling I had when we, me and Abi were in grandpa and grandma's basement.


By the way, where was Abi? When I turned around to ask mom, mom was gone. Not exactly gone though, she was walking towards the restroom.

I took a seat on the uncomfortable chair waiting for mom to come back and suddenly I heard a yell. Abi. But a minute later all went quiet. Abi must probably be at home sleeping or something.

More minutes passed and I felt my heart racing, worried about Aahana when the door opened and Dr… I forgot her name, came out and just that minute mom came back.

"See guys, Aahana is stable for now but… she was strangled for so long that- I am sorry but her brain has been without oxygen for so long that she would suffer from severe complications for the rest of her life".

What the fuck? Strangled? By whom? And why? She was just a kid. A BABY! Who would do that to a baby? Mom? No way? Abi…?

A second later mom fell on her knees. With her hands on her face, she yelled out aahana's name and sobbed. It broke my heart to see mom like this. Who did it?

Suddenly mom got up. I ran behind her just in case but to my surprise, she ran into the waiting room where… Abi sat down with uncle Caleb and Mason.

Abi stood upon seeing me and began uttering something. She shook her head no and said something which I couldn't understand. How the hell could she do this to her sister? Did she hate her this much?

Mom told something to the others while grabbing Abi by her hand. I could see Abi squirming, probably by the fact that mom's nails were butting through her asking but as much as I wanted to free Abi from mom's clutches, I couldn't.

What if Aahana died?

Just that moment mom and uncle Caleb stopped talking and nodded their heads as if they agreed on something. Mom turned around to me and said, "Aaron, I know you love Ani, and trust me, we all do but what she did was unacceptable."

"She needs help. Physiciatric help and we agreed on sending her to RIPD. She needs help, Aaron. Just think about what would have happened if I didn't find her soon. She would have killed Aahana."

I gave Abi a look and without a second thought said "yeah, she needs help".

"I and Isabella can drop her off. We don't want to stress you guys up. A really close friend of mine works at RIPD and I swear I'll make sure Abi is comfortable", Uncle Caleb spoke up before grabbing Abi and heading outside.

Abi struggled and screamed "Aaron" and then she was gone. Gone into the Elevator.

Hey there, guys.

So... How was this chapter?

Surprising. Right? Well you should be.

Do comment down your thought and ideas an literally anything. Ok?

And just to warn you, never trust anything.


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