Drink N Drive

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Abigail's POV

It's been two days since the hair dye incident. I went back to school yesterday and it went really well. A lot of kids signed the cast on my wrist. Including Zac, my crush.

I just love that guy. He's so hot but unfortunately, I am 11 and I am not allowed to date till I'm 16. But either way, I am glad that I got "get well soon beautiful" written on my cast by Zac.

Sadly, the next day at school wasn't that cool. I came home really tired and my head hurt because of all the stuff that occurred in class.

I felt as if the teachers were blabbering on nonstop and not even noticing if anyone understood anything or even paid attention to their teachings.

On reaching home, I was met with Aaron and Michelle in the driveway making out. When I interrupted their steamy hot moment and asked them where they were off to, they said 'off to a bar and then a movie'.

Wow, lucky guys. I can't wait to be 21. I've always wanted to taste alcohol. From what I heard from Aaron, it's not sweet like grape juice but... I am curious.

Everyone in our family drinks wine and once in a while alcohol too and I have actually tasted wine before. Dad allowed me to have a sip of his cup and it was actually pretty food tasting.

Anyways, on entering our house, I was met with dad who made a ham and cheese sandwich for me, and to be honest, it tasted really good and the bread slice wasn't the least bit burnt.

That's when I realized that dad didn't make the sandwich. Either Michelle or Aaron made it and das was just taking advantage of their absence.

After having a hearty meal, I made my way upstairs into my untidy room to do some homework. Oh God, those dumb teachers at school don't pity you even when you have a broken hand.

The maths teacher with whom I have a beef, said "I don't care how you write everything. All your notes should be on my gable by tomorrow morning" and when I tried to argue, "write with your left hand then", she yelled at me.

Okay! Fine! I will. I took out my maths book and notebook and my neatly arranged smiggle box. I took a blue and black pen and started scribbling everything down on my maths notebook.

She said "I don't care how you write", right? So, I'll scribble everything down and all the fault will be hers. How the fuck can a righty write with their left hand. Huh?

After maths, I started working on other subjects. Those teachers actually pitied me and gave me a lot of time to complete my incomplete works.

I read and wrote, read, and wrote until I almost fell asleep. Just as I felt my eyes were closing shut, I heard a yell from downstairs.

"Are you freaking drunk? Aaron? Mitchelle? Answer me, goddammit", Dad yelled.

My eyes open wide as Aaron slurred " yeah dad... Now, what is your problem? Huh? I am 21 and I'll drink how much ever I want. Understood?".

I just couldn't believe my dear brother said that. He's in so much trouble. And I thought I was the least behaved one. I never expected to see my brother drunk and actually... I didn't.

When I came down the stairs to see my brother and his girlfriend's state, dad yelled at me when I was halfway down the stairs to go up and study.

I surely didn't want to get into trouble and that's why I went back to my room but... I didn't study. I was too tired of starting at those boring white pages that I decided to lie down for a while and give my eyes a rest.

Police, Call, Murder, Accident, Sheriff, Report, were the few words that remained in my mind when I suddenly woke up from my sleep.

I had a crazy idea. A risky idea but I've been having these dreams too long to just ignore it. I had to call the sheriff and tell him about my theory on mom's death... well, murder.

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