The poor little kid

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Aaron's POV

Poor Abi.. she just layed lifeless on the floor... it took the ambulance 6 minutes to come....
When they finally came, she was set on an IV... but.. they couldn't intubate her.. cause her jaw was clenched..and she was struggling to breath....and they couldn't give any medication because she was aldready drugged by that f**king bastard and those two do not end well.......that was the worst thing ever you have to witness being a doctor..your patient whose airway is closed and is struggling to breath but you can't do a shit about it because their jaw is shut...!!!

The only option was a nasal intubation.. which cannot be done by the paramedics..because her skull was probably fractured and the tube might go straight into the brain and rupture it.. and that's when I was called to help... my hands were literally shivering in fright... a nasal intubation is really risky to do when it us your own sister and when you know that.. one wrong move and you could kill your own sister...!!

But...I've done this so many time.. and I somehow managed to intubate her even though my heart was literally beating out of my chest....!!

After she was wrapped up... they rushed her to Rojan Reagan UCLA Medical centre...the same place where I and dad worked.....I drove behind the ambulance like a maniac... and on the way dad called... great.. he was trying real hard to not cry while talking to me he.... asked where i was and when I told him i was on the way to the hospital...he said that he'd meet me there....!!

In the hospital, Abi was taken for a CT scan and X-ray and then was rushed to the operating theatre... I would have been paged for the surgery if.. I wasn't a close relative.. there excuse was that I was not in a good emotional state...!! Even great !!!

I was almost ready to punch the wall till I made a hole in it... luckily dad and uncle and aunt came....after an hour or so.. even Mitchelle and her parents came... I was sort of embarrassed to see her parents.. because I got my ass busted right in front of them.. how embarrassing is that... but I didnt think much of that.. all I could think of was how my little princess was doing and if she was okay.....!!

Andrew's POV

My heart broke into a million pieces when I heard Abi was shot.. in the chest.. I, Caleb and Isabbelle rushed to the hospital and found Aaron so angry and upset.. I was feeling the same way..... we waited and waited and waited..and finally.. instead of the doctors the chief of the police came to the waiting room.. he told us that all 4 have been put into a cell for the night and that I would have to sign a few documents.. after signing it.. he added that Abi was a really brave kid and that she'll get well soon...!! It sort of felt good to be honest!!

After about 7 hours after Abi was taken to the Theatre.. finally the cardiac surgeon came out... he said that she took the hit right under the heart.. and many important arteries and nerves were severed...and that the general surgeon will be here soon and would tell the other things.. he also said that the neuro surgeon was operating on her right now..!

I was so relieved to hear this.. even though he didnt mention if she was stable or not... to know that she was alive felt really good..!!

Just like expected.. the general surgeon paged.. who happened to be Dr.Kevin.. my colleague... came in with another doctor... Dr.Zanneti..who is also a general surgeon...!!

My heart was like beating so so fast...and when Kevin started to state the injuries in her body.. I found myself crying.. again.. he said that she had a broken neck.. and a severely fractured skull... and 3 broken ribs...she also had multiple penetration wounds In her body.. possibly from a beating...and they found..high doses of nicotine in her body.. which they managed to drain out... and...she had suffered a severe head trauma..!!

All of us listened with our mouths wide open...and before I could ask something..Dr.Zanneti started speaking...she said that Abi was brutally raped.. almost 25 times.. and her abdomen is completely damaged....!! I was horrified 25 times...seriously those 4 were not even animals they were f**king beasts...who could do that to a 11 year old kid...and nicotine..could actually kill an adult if consumed in high dosages..I couldn't even imagine how Abi felt..!!

I was gonna fu#*ing kill those 4...
Aaron looked the same way... Dr. Zanneti excused herself and left.. but Kevin stayed...he handed over  a paper and said that his son Zac.. told him to give me this paper that Abi wrote but forgot in class..

I took the paper from him and read it...I had tears in my eyes when I finished reading said-
Dear Daddy,
It's your little girl...Abi..I just wanted to say sorry for what happened the other day..I know I was really disrespectful and had a attitude.. but,I am sorry... and I really mean it this time..don't keep ignoring me.. it really breaks my heart when you do not talk to me.....please forgive me..If you forgive me today.. can we go out for ice cream today... Please???? Well, if you say no.. then I would be a little upset.. but I wouldn't take it to heart..!!

I felt really guilty after reading this...and after every single person in the room read it.. everyone was even sader than before...and somehow.. while crying.. I managed to doze off... I woke up only when the door opened and the NeuroSurgeon came in.. he looked upset..he started speaking and everyone in the room started tearing up..

These were his exact words...-
"See..Abi has had a really severe head injury..we found so many fragments of her skull in her brain..and all the hits she took on her head.. really jerked her brain a lot..her condition is beyond critical now..I've put her into a medically induced coma...and..she also suffered a severe seizure... which lasted for about 20 know that a normal seizure doesn't last more than 5 minutes it just shows the extent of her head injury..she has suffered a really extreme case of craniocerebal trauma...and when she wakes up...if she does.. I'm extremely soort to say this but...there is a 99% chance that she would be in a vegetative state ..."

Her guys.. do forgive for all the "medical language" that I used in this's my wish to be a doctor when I grow up... do I thought there is nothing wrong in starting at a young age!!

If there is any doctor or a nurse or a medical student or an adult with medical knowledge reading this..please do tell me if what I mentioned above is correct or  not !! do you think Brandon and his mates should be punished ???

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