chapter 11

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When we arrive at Tayler's, Ondre is carrying my bag again while I pull out my suitcase. "There you are. I thought you were picking her up at ten?" Tayler hugs me and gives Ondre a confused look. "I did. But we took a lunch break." Ondre smiles at me. Tayler nods understandably. "Come on, let's take your stuff to the room" Ondre takes my bag again and runs ahead to the guest room. "Just make yourself comfortable and feel at home. You can put your hygiene stuff in the bathroom next door, you can shower there and stuff" Tayler smiles at me. "Thanks" Tayler nods and leaves the room.

"You want me to help you unpack?" Ondre puts my bag on the bed. "No, thanks, you've helped me enough today. I can do it myself" I smile at him."Okay, well, I guess I'll be going.  If you need anything, just ask me, okay?" I nod. "I will" "I guess I'll see you later, huh? You coming to the hype house?" I shake my head. "Addison and I are going somewhere today to take pictures and then go to the movies." Ondre seems disappointed. "Oh, okay, see you tomorrow?" I nod and walk up to him. "See you tomorrow" I hug him."Bye" he smiles and disappears.

After I've unpacked most of my stuff, I bring a few things into the bathroom and go into the living room. On the couch is Kelianne. "Hey" I smile at her. "Hey, sit down" she slides a little bit to one side and I sit down with her. "Well, everything okay?" I nod. "It's great that I can stay in LA for a few more days I like spending time with Addison" "just Addison or Ondre too?" She smiles. "I don't know what you mean" I have to smile, too."Oh, come on, he got up to help you with your luggage, and Taylor said Ondre was so excited you're staying longer." I gotta smile more.  "so? We're amongst girls, tell me." Kelianne looks at me expectantly. "I like spending time with him too" I sigh. "There you go" she smiles contentedly.

At noon Addison picks me up together with Bryant, I know him as photographer of Addison Instagram, and we go to some locations to take pictures. As it is the first time that I am being photographed professionally, I feel pretty stupid during the shoots, but Bryant is very patient and at the third location I get his instructions better and better.

Later, Addison and I stand in line in front of the cinema. "Ondre was pretty disappointed because you won't be coming along today" I have to smile when Addison starts to talk about it. "I know you could tell," I shrug my shoulders. "How did I know it wouldn't take you a week to turn the first one's head?" Addison shakes her head in disbelief. "I didn't turn his head! We just like spending time together." I roll my eyes. "Yeah, sure, keep telling yourself that." Addison laughs.

The movie was really good and enjoy the time with my best friend. We decide to have dinner together. Afterwards we stand in front of the restaurant. "Do you want to go to the Hype House? I'm sure Ondre would be happy" Addison smiles and I have to laugh. "I think I'm gonna go home and actually go to bed early tonight. But I'll come over tomorrow, okay?" Addison nods and hugs me goodbye. "So I'll see you tomorrow. Text me when you're coming." I nod. "See you tomorrow"

When I ring Tayler's doorbell, Nate opens it for me. "Hey" I smile at him. "hey, you hungry? We still got food in the kitchen" "no, thanks. I had lunch with Addison" I look at him gratefully. "Is that Abby? Tell her to come say hi to people" Tayler yells from the living room. I look at Nate questioningly. "We're live on Instagram right now," I nod and follow him into the living room. Kelianne and Tayler are sitting on the couch and have Tayler's phone on the table. Tayler knocks next to him and I sit down. "Guys, this is Abby. Many people might know her from TikTok, she is Addison's best friend," Tayler says into his cell phone. "Hello everybody" I wave into the camera.

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