chapter 49

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When he lets go of me, I sigh. "What are you doing here, Adam?" My voice is somewhat back, although I don't sound as confident as I'd like to sound. I run to the door and get my key again. "I want to talk to you. Can I come in?" He's standing right behind me. I turn around. "No." "Abby, please." I sigh. "All right, hold on. I'll get changed and we'll go get a cup of coffee, okay?" He nods.

Quickly, I slip into the apartment and throw my bag into my room. Suddenly, Tayler is standing there with me. "Abby, what's wrong?" I sigh. "This is Adam, my ex" "what? Your ex-boyfriend is at our door? Does Ondre know?" I shake my head. "And I'll keep it that way as long as I know what Adam is doing here. I told him you needed my help if he asked for it in the household. And if he asks where I am now, tell him I have a job interview, okay?" He sighs. "I don't like lying to people, especially my homies." "Please, Tayler, I'll tell him everything, but for now it's better if he doesn't know." Tayler nods. "All right," "thanks," I close my door and change.

Before I step out the door again, I write a short message to Ondre that I got a job interview at short notice and will go and visit him tonight. I take one last breath and open the door. Adam sits on the steps as before, smiles at me as he discovers me and gets up.

We get into my car and drive to a coffee outside, where I am sure none of my friends will show up. We order ourselves a drink. "It's so good to see you, Abby." Adam tries to reach across the table to grab my hand, but I pull it away. "It's been a while." I look at my ex-boyfriend and try to breathe easy. "You haven't changed," I realize. "Neither have you," he smiles at me. Shit, why does he throw me off track like that? I sigh. "What are you really doing here, Adam?" "I missed you, Abby. Breaking up with you wasn't easy for me, but I thought I was over you. But when my mom told me she met your mom at the grocery store and she told her you were back home, I really wanted to see you. Why didn't you call?" Again he tries to grab my hand, but I move away again and put my hands on my thighs.

"I thought you were probably busy at college. Besides, I never spent much time in Lafayette" and I didn't want to see you, I add in my mind. "I could have found time for you, Abby. It would have just been nice to see you." "We're not a couple anymore, Adam." "I know, but we said we'd be friends." I sigh. He's right, but I wasn't over him, so I didn't want to see him. "At some point I decided I'd come and visit you, so I went to your house But you were gone, and your mother told me you ran away to LA to Addison. She gave me your address and said you'd be happy if I would visit you. And here I am" I sighed. Of course my mother had something to do with all this. "I'm sorry, Adam. You're just totally not fitting into my life right now. I still have to settle in here and I'm looking for a job." ...and I have a boyfriend. Why won't my inner self let me tell him that? I'm happy with Ondre. Why do I feel that I care about Adam more than I'd like to? "I understand that, Abby. I just wanted to see you. Like I said, I really miss you. But it's not the right time for you and me right now.But I think that you and I belong together and we'll cross paths again and find each other by the time you get back to Lafayette at the latest." "I'm not coming back to Lafayette, though." Adam sighs. "Well, I'll move to LA when I finish college.  Look, Abby, I know you might be a little overwhelmed by my visit, I get it. Just take it in, and if you want to see me again, I'll be here until Friday. Call me" he puts a card in my hand, a few bills on the table, gets up and leaves.

Sighing I stay at the table. Shit, what a mess is going on inside me right now? Why can't I just tell him to leave me alone because I have a boyfriend?

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