chapter 52

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I lie on my mattress and stare at the ceiling while thinking about Tony's statement as there is a knock at the door. Since I don't answer, I'm surprised that Addison opens the door and comes in a moment later anyway. "Hey, I know you want to be alone right now, but Tony told me about your conversation and that you're not feeling well, so I wanted to talk to you" I sigh. "Everybody wants to, but it's no use".

"Ondre, I don't want to defend Abby. She fucked up, big time. I told her from the beginning to tell you, but she was afraid to, and in hindsight I think she was afraid to admit to herself that she might still have feelings for Adam. But she didn't, I'm sure of it." "How can you be so sure when Abby isn't even sure of herself?" "I've been her best friend since the beginning! I know Abby better than she knows herself! That's why I'm telling you this! Abby has one more feeling for Adam because her heart is all yours. She looks at you in a way that I have never seen her before. She was happy with Adam, no question, but you make her happier. Adam is the past, you are the present, Ondre. Don't mess this up just because her ex causes chaos" she puts her hand on my shoulder before she leaves the room without a word.

I hardly sleep at night and spend my time more on Twitter. Every once in a while I just stare at the ceiling again and think about Addison and Tony's statements. At six in the morning, I fall asleep exhausted.

When I wake up, it's three in the afternoon. I get up and take a shower. As the water runs over my body, I think again of what Addison and Tony said. Tony's right, I probably wouldn't have acted any differently. I sigh. I should talk to Abby as soon as possible.

But that's not going to happen for a while because I have to take some pictures with Tony. It is now five when I change my clothes and walk down the stairs. "Ondre, can you help me with a shoot?" Thomas comes up to me. "Thomas, I'm really sorry. But I really need to talk to Abby. We had a fight" Thomas nods understandingly. "Go and fix it" I smile gratefully at him and walk quickly to my car.

I park outside the apartment and ring the bell. Tayler opens the door for me in surprise. "Hey, you want to go see Abby?" I nod. "She's not here right now, sorry. But she'll be here soon. You wanna wait here?" I nod and come in. We sit down on the couch.

"I heard what happened and I'm really sorry for you" I smile at Tayler gratefully. "I'd like to talk about something else if that's okay with you" Tayler nods. "Sure, bro."

It's six o'clock, when all of a sudden you hear a key in the lock and shortly after that the door opens. Abby enters the apartment wearing sweatpants and one of my shirts. She has tied her wet hair into a bun. She puts her bag on the floor and slips out of her shoes. "I'm... " she falls silent when she sees me. "Ondre..." she stammers.

"Hey" I get up from the sofa and walk slowly towards her. "Can we talk?" She nods. "Let's go to my room" I nod and follow her. Each of us sits at one end of the bed.

"Listen, ondre, I'm sorry..." I interrupt her. "No, Abby, I'm sorry. I was way too harsh yesterday. I don't know if I would have acted any differently in your situation and that's why I can't be mad at you. Of course it would have been nice if you'd talked to me about it, but I understand." Abby looks silently at the floor. "I was with him before at the hotel" she says quietly. "I told him to get out of my life because I'm over him and I have a new boyfriend" she adds. "I thought you weren't sure you were over him" she sighs. "Yes, I am. It's just..." she takes a deep breath. "In high school, he was always my refuge. He made me feel safe, and I loved him for that. When I was with him in that coffee, I felt that kind of security again and I thought that's why I needed him."

"but?" "When I came home yesterday, I was very upset and Tayler calmed me down. Later in my bed, I realized I didn't need him anymore because there are so many people here in L.A. who make me feel safe. Tayler, Addison, you, even Tony and all those people. You're there, undated behind me. I don't need Adam there. But I do need you, Ondre" she looks at me sadly. "I need you, too, Abby" I slide over and give her a hug. I can hear her sobbing for a moment and I press her even harder against me. "Promise me that whatever my ex does, he will never drive a wedge between us again, okay?" I nod. "Promise."

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