chapter 89

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One year later:
Excited, I drive to the airport with Ondre. Today we pick up Christian, who was accepted at UCLA and will therefore move into our house. We have been living in this house for about ten months now. It is nice, big and not too far away from the hype house, so we can visit the others whenever we want. The Easterlings, who are now permanent residents of LA, also live only 10 minutes walk away.
Half a year ago I quit my job at Target and Ashton hired me as a dance coach in the dance school. Since the summer I have been training four groups and I really enjoy it. I also dance with Ondre regularly when we find time.
I haven't heard anything from my father and Simon anymore. Well, I ignored them for the first two months after we ran away from the penthouse apartment and apparently they gave up after that. From Christian, who came to visit us during the past year, at any time he was off, I heard that it was said that Simon was with Hannah. To be honest, I don't mind that at all. They both deserve each other!
I had contact with my mother again often, because I often clarified things for Christian with her. I can never forgive her, but we can talk to each other normally and she will come and visit us here sometime.

When we arrive at the airport, I can't stop grinning because of all the excitement. We sit down in the lobby and wait for the flight of Christian to be announced. I can't believe that my brother will move in with us now. With three boys it will certainly be even more exhausting, because household is not the favorite occupation of any of the three, but you never get bored either. Yesterday, the moving van arrived already and has things in boxes from Christian, which we immediately put in his room. Finally, the flight is called out and the doors open. Christian, who is probably grinning just like me, comes towards us. He lets go of his suitcases and hugs me firmly. "Welcome to LA, your new home" I press myself firmly against him. Ondreaz also greets him before we take his suitcases and walk to the car.

On the way he tells us about his flight and when we have a short lunch break at McDonalds, we drive to the house. "Make yourself at home" I grin and unlock the door. "I think I'll clear out my stuff a little bit now" Christian smiles. "Sure, if you need help, we'll be in the living room" I smile and pull Ondre behind me.

3 weeks later:
Christian has settled in well with us and a kind of everyday life has been created for all of us. Christian, who of course gets up earlier than us because of the collage, comes home during the lunch break, during which I usually cooked. We all eat together and afterwards I usually have to go to dance practice. In the evening we all eat together again and then spend the evening together on the couch. Saturday is the productive day of Ondre, Tony and me. The guys shoot videos, I choreograph dances and we all shoot TikToks together. Christian is usually away at night with friends from college and so Addison comes over every now and then and we go out for dinner or have a nice evening at home. For the first time in a year, I would say that my life couldn't be going better right now.....

The End

Now also my second story is already over.... thanks for the support, likes, reads and comments. Without such great people like you, writing would only be half the fun.

As already announced, I will write a third story and after that I will write the sequel of "Different Worlds". However, I will now take a break and write the new story a little bit to get into the new characters and the new plot. I hope you will read it the same way as this one, after all we just cracked the 76k reads.


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