chapter 79

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At noon I meet Addison and we have lunch together. "Ondre said things went pretty well between you yesterday" I nod. "It was really tense and weird at first. I mean, what do you say to a person you broke up with even though you still love her? But we just talked to each other really casually and it was like at the beginning of our relationship" "so if you don't get back together, I'm going to give up hope in love" Addison laughs and I get into it.

"Speaking of getting back together... Braddison?" I wiggle my eyebrows. Addison sighs. "I wish it were that easy." "Why? What's going on?" "Bryce...I'd be ready for a relationship with him, but I just don't know if he can have a serious relationship. You've seen his videos and even though he's really different to me, I don't know if I can handle that kind of Bryce and I'm afraid I'm going to get hurt because he's unfaithful" I see Addison biting her lower lip so she doesn't have to cry. "Addison, in every relationship you have to assume that you're going to get hurt somehow. Pain is unfortunately a consequence of love"

"I know, but isn't it pointless if I enter the relationship with the fear of being cheated on?" "Yeah, it kind of is, but if Bryce is serious about you, which I think he is, then this boy will pull himself together. If he really cheats on you, I'll personally castrate him, you can be sure of that." Addison laughs briefly, but her expression becomes sad again. "I just think Mads and Jaden or Josh and Nessa, they all really loved each other and still it broke down because of some stupid mistake. I just don't want to lose Bryce as a person" I nod. "I hear you, Addison. But sometimes you just have to take a risk for love."

When we go out after dinner, Addison suddenly moans. "There's Fletcher from Hollywood Fix," I roll my eyes. Even though I've never been interviewed by him before, after all I was never there, I know the videos of Hollywood Fix. "Come on, there's our Uber" I pull Addison out. "Addison, Abby, good evening. The fans want to know! Addison, how about you and Bryce?" "We're good, thanks" Addison pulls me out.  "Abby, are you and Ondreaz still together?" "Yes, we are" "so you're still part of the hype house?" "Yes" I jump in the back seat of the car and close the door while Addison comes in from the other side.
"Do you want to go to the Hype House? Dixie and Charli are visiting" Addison smiles at me. I nod. "Sure, I'll come with you" I only know Dixie and Charli briefly, but they were very likeable, so why not? We give the Uber the address and he drives.

Arriving at the Hype Houses, everyone greets me as if I were the long lost son, well, or rather daughter. "How was camp?" Mia hugs me. "Fine, really. It was a lot of fun" I also greet Charli and Dixie before I step onto the terrace. Tayler comes towards me and immediately takes me firmly in his arms. "You're here again" he grins at me before Nate and Kelianne also greet me.

As it turns out, Ondre and Tony are not there. David is also missing, so I think they have a shooting somewhere. Dixie, Charli, Addison and I sit down in the movie room and talk a bit, then shoot TikToks and finally start singing karaoke. I like the round with the girls, we have fun and can talk about serious things. Charli and Dixie have to leave at some point and say goodbye while Addison and I stay in the room and watch YouTube videos.

"Oh here you are" Ondre sticks his head in and smiles at Addison and me. "Were you looking for us?" Addison smiles. "The others said that you both were here and they ordered food for you, so theoretically I had to look for you" Ondre shrugs his shoulders. "Sure, you didn't really want to look for us" Addison says ironically, but then turns to me. "Come on, apparently it's dinnertime," she pulls me off the sofa and walks ahead.

I quickly hug Ondre before I run after Addison and Ondre follows me. "He has found you" Thomas grins at the three of us as we come up the stairs. At the top he pushes some food into the hands of each of us. "Let's eat outside by the fire" Addison runs ahead decisively. I look at Ondre, who just shrugs his shoulder, so we follow Addison.

The fire that Addison means is a strip in which fire really burns. Around this table is a sitting lounge where Tayler, Nick, Chase and Ryland are already sitting. Addison sits on the side of Ryland, who sits alone because the other boys are all sitting on the other side. I let myself fall down next to Addison. Ondre stands a little indecisive. There are the same number of people sitting on both sides, but it looks like he is not sure where to sit. "Come sit down" I knock on the cushion next to me. He gives me a relieved look and sits down next to me.

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