chapter 60

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"Are you angry with your father because he cheated on your mother or because he didn't tell you? Because it wouldn't be fair if you hated him just because he didn't tell you about it" "why would that be unfair?" "You also just walked away from Lafayette without telling him because you knew you would be better off here and you would be happier here. He left your mother because he knew he'd be happier with the other woman. He's not mad at you for moving. He's your father, he wants you to be happy. You are angry, even though he actually only did the same thing as you" I look at Ondre in surprise. he thinks in a way that I would never think, but which is totally meaningful and convincing. "You're right...I should go to this wedding" I sigh. "And I'll go with you, babe" he gives me a kiss on the forehead

||Ondre's POV:
I pull Abby up and take her back to the pool. She takes off the t-shirt she's wearing over her bikini as I grab her and jump into the water with her. Abby screams cure before we both end up in the water. Laughing I look at Abby who gives me a nasty look and storms towards me. The next two minutes Abby tries to dunk me. In the end I surrender and let her push me under water.

When we get out of the pool and have both dressed, we decide to shoot TikToks in the living room. "I've been wanting to shoot one with you for weeks, but I keep forgetting" Abby is looking for something on TikTok. "What is it?" I try to look at her phone, but she keeps turning it away from me. "You'll see in a minute"

She picks up her cell phone to film and stands close to me. "Just stand there" she smiles at me. I nod confusedly. She starts the recording and I hear a part of "FRIENDS" by Anne Marie in the background, while Abby's face comes closer and closer to mine. Just before our lips meet, she whispers "we are just friends" into my ear. I look at her confused before I start to laugh. Recording is complete. "Sorry I had to do that." She smiles at me. "But now I want a kiss if you turn me down like this" I grin as Abby giggles. "All right," she comes up and puts her lip on mine.

We make out a little before we get separated by a throat clear. Kouvr smiles at us while Ryland next to her rolls his eyes in annoyance. "We're ordering food. You want some?" Kouvr says. We nod and place an order before Abby shoots a TikTok with Kouvr and then Ryland.

After dinner we all sit on the couch and talk, when Abby suddenly stands up and stretches. "I'm going home," she smiles into the group. "Oh, you're not staying here?" Thomas is as surprised as I am. Abby shakes her head. "I have my first day of work tomorrow morning. I want to be fit and not wake Ondre up in the morning when I have to get up." Everyone nods. "Well then, have fun on your first day of work tomorrow" Kouvr hugs Abby before everyone says goodbye to Abby.

l walk Abby to the door. "Should I pick you up after work tomorrow?" I smile at her. She shakes her head. "I've been invited to the training tomorrow," I nod. "Sure, just text me when you're done tomorrow, and I'll come and see you" she nods and gives me a kiss. "See you tomorrow night" "Have fun tomorrow. Check in between times" she nods. "I will. Good night" she smiles at me and runs down the stairs.

I go back to the living room with the others when my phone rings. Addison calls me. "Hey, home safe?" I take the call. "Yeah, half an hour ago. Is Abby with you?" "No, just left" "good, how is she?" "Okay, I guess. She was on the phone today with her brother and father, and then I talked to her and talked her into going to the wedding" "you managed to get her to come to the wedding?" addison seems surprised."Yes, I told her a scenario of being happy and that her father only wants the best for her and she said she will go to the wedding" "you really amaze me, Ondre.  Hardly anyone can convince Abby, especially when she's got something up her stubborn head" I laugh. "I've got talent.Her father invited me to the wedding, by the way" "and are you coming?"  "Of course. Just to support Abby." "You're a good boyfriend, ondre. If I didn't know you were with her, I couldn't have left LA with such peace of mind. Thank you." Addison sounds relieved. "No problem, Addison. Enjoy your time with your family and say hi to your parents for me" "I will! Say hi to everyone in the house for me" "Will do! So I'm sure we will hear from eachother" "bye Ondre"

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Love youuu ❤️❤️❤️❤️

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