part 81

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"Do you know Kate?" I sit in the back seat and look at my brother questioningly through the rearview mirror. "You mean the woman who is marrying our father tomorrow? No, I never met her" my brother shrugs. "If she wants me to call her Mom, I'll slap her" "Abby! Now at least give her a chance. I mean, she''ll be better for you than Mom,'' "are you sure about that?" "We'll see in a minute. We're here" Christian parks and we get in front of the house where my father's penthouse apartment is located.

||Ondres POV:
The elevator takes us to the top. A beep tells us that we have arrived and shortly afterwards the doors open. "Abby, Christian" a guy who looks like a few years older version of Christian, stands in front of the door and pulls the two of them into a hug. I suspect that this is Simon, the older brother of Abby, who is supposed to take over her father's company. My suspicion is confirmed when he turns to me. "you must be my sister's companion" he smiles at me and shakes my hand. "This is Ondreaz, my boyfriend" I have to smile slightly when Abby says this. Officially we never talked about whether we were a couple again

"I am Simon, her brother" Simon is still shaking my hand. I smile politely at him as he finally lets go of my hand. "The others are already waiting for you in the living room" Simon runs ahead and we follow him. Abby quickly takes my hand as we enter the living room. A few people are sitting on the sofas.

"my children" a man, who looks like an adult version of Christian and Simon, gets up and comes towards us with outstretched arms. Abby briefly lets go of my hand, when her father hugs her, then immediately takes it back. when her father also hugs Christian, his gaze falls on Abby and my crossed hands. "I guess you are her dancer boyfriend" he smiles at me. "I'm Ondreaz, nice to meet you" I reach out my hand to her father who shakes it immediately. "Frank, Frank Sanders! Welcome, my boy" he has a firm handshake

"It's so good to have you here! How was the journey?" He puts a hand on my shoulder. "Good, we came with the Easterlings" Abby smiles. "ah, yes Sheri and Addison. They're coming tomorrow too" Frank nods happily. You can tell he is happy about the wedding. "Now go and say hello to the rest of the family, then I'll introduce you to Kate. She is picking up her niece from the airport" When Frank says Kate's name, Abby's facial features briefly slip away, but she quickly recovers and nods.

With me in hand and Christian in tow, we greet the people on the couch who turn out to be Abby's paternal grandparents and uncles, aunts and cousins. I shake hands with them all while Abby introduces me as her boyfriend.

When we are finished, we are all taken to a large dining room with the table already abundantly set. "Sit wherever you like. As soon as Kate arrives, we will start with the appetizer" Her father explains. Abby sits next to me, sighing. "I want to go home already. I shouldn't have come here" "oh come on, your father is nice and Kate will certainly be sympathetic" I squeeze her hand encouragingly. she sighs again. "Thanks for coming with me. With you everything is a bit more bearable" she smiles at me sweetly. "For you I'll do anything" I smile back.

"Hello, we're here" a shrill voice comes from the elevator and shortly afterwards a woman in her mid-forties with brown curls and a smile on her face comes in.She is followed by a twenty or so year old girl who is wearing a totally fake smile and whose perfume cloud can be seen.  "Honey, that's beautiful. Sit down! We were just about to start eating" Frank gives the woman a kiss on the cheek and pulls her chair out from under the table so she can sit on it.

While the soup is eaten quietly, wild talk is heard during the break to the main course. " She looks bad already" Abby murmurs in Christian and my direction. "And I think her niece bathed in perfume this morning. When she walked past me, I almost choked the soup up again" Christian hisses back. I have to laugh.

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