chapter 88

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Before I can get mad, we are all called to the table. The leftovers from yesterday's meal are spread out on the table. I sit down with Ondre and shortly afterwards we all start eating. During the meal almost nobody talks. While Kate and Dad clear the dishes, I get lost on the balcony.

"Hey, everything okay? You are so quiet" Ondre stands next to me. I sigh and lean against him. "I feel betrayed" "why?" "You know why I moved to LA, don't you?" "Of course, because your father had no room and it was agreed with your mother that you would stay with her" I nod. "And now Hannah's moving in. Why does she have room but I don't?" Ondre stands behind me and puts his arms around me while he gives me a kiss on the back of my head. "I don't know, baby. Sometimes the world is just unfair" "not the world. My family" I cling to his arms.

When we come back in, they are just fixing dessert. We sit back in our seats and again a silence falls. Ondre, who, after eating, has put his hand on my leg, smiles at me sweetly. I put my hand on his and smile back.

Later we all sit down on the sofas in the living room. "Ondre told me yesterday that you want to move in together" I nod. "He, his brother and I. Christian might move in next year too" "if you're still together at all by then" Hannah throws a grinning look at me. "We will" Ondre puts his arm around me. I have to grin.

"What I was getting at..." my father interrupts Hannah and my teasing. "...I wanted to give you some money so you could buy something nice" I stare at my father with indignation. "Are you serious? Do you think maybe this is your way of apologizing for the past few months?" I yell at him. "No, Abigail, don't do that. I just thought maybe it would help you." "I'm doing very well for myself. After all, I work" "Still, I'd like to give you money" "Say, don't you understand? I don't want your money. You may be able to satisfy others at this table with your money, but I don't want money! I want my normal life back that you destroyed and you didn't even help me. You just left me at Mom's, even though you knew I'd be broken.  You said you had no place for me here, but Hannah can move in? You had no place for me in your life, and you know what? It hurts like shit to be betrayed like that by your father. Not once did you call when I moved to L.A. Not once did you ask how I was doing. Not once did you even try to pretend that you cared about me. Without Addison and this guy on my side..." I'm pointing at Ondre. ".... I'd be all messed up and probably depressed. So keep your money and leave me alone" I jump up and leave the living room with quick steps and Ondre following me.

"I've had enough of the theater you've been putting on since you got here, Abby. You act as if your life is a drama and we are the bad guys. You bitch at everyone, you're mean to Hannah for no reason and you're in a bad mood all the time. You blame dad for the break-up, but if it had been for you, he would have been your hero. You feel betrayed by him because he didn't get in touch, but you never tried to call him either. And now you act like this because he wants to give you money? You're a Sanders, Abby. It's your money and your legacy!" Simon catches up with us before we reach the elevator. Christian appears behind him. "I don't want to be a Sanders anymore either. The only positive thing I associate with that name is behind you. I was afraid of the separation because I knew it would destroy our relationship. That you both would be influenced by mom or dad and I would be alone and I was right. I never wanted to lose you, Simon. But I just can't deal with what our family has become anymore. You've changed and not for the better, and that's why I'm leaving now, because I can't take it anymore." Tears come to my eyes and Ondre gives Simon a nasty look before he takes me in his arms.

"You did a great job, Simon. Are you proud of yourself? She has a really hard time in life, even without you and your weird girlfriend in the living room. She's right. You've changed completely into the negative, and if daddy's reputation and money are more important to you than your sister's well-being, then I can only congratulate you. You not only managed to make your sister cry and drive her away, you also lost your brother. But no problem, go back to the living room and play happy family with our father, Hannah and Kate, but leave us alone!" Surprised at Christian's outburst, I raise my head. Simon also looks as if he is surprised and doesn't know what to do. Christian, who looks so angry that he almost frightens me, slowly walks towards us. "Let's get out of here. We don't have to give ourselves this" with me in the middle, the boys run to the elevator. I take a deep breath as the elevator closes and we leave our family.

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