chapter 76

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||Abbys POV:
"You okay?" Philip looks at me worried. Six weeks have passed in the meantime. The day after the meeting with Ondre I went to dance camp. I haven't heard from Ondre since then, but I write regularly with Addison and post regularly on TikTok again. My group at camp is really cute. All 14-year-old girls who freaked out when they realized that 'TikTok star' Abby Sanders was their coach. My colleagues are great too. I danced with Philipp, a guy my age who leads a dance group of the boys, besides the program. He was also my contact person when I was not feeling well. Tomorrow will be the last day.

"I'm just a little bit scared to go back" I sigh and let myself fall on the bench before I start eating. "Why is that?" "Well, when I left LA, I broke up with my boyfriend, but I managed to escape the whole thing by going to camp here. What if everything falls apart on me when I get back home?" I turn my spaghetti on the fork. "You have friends who will catch you." Philipp puts his hand on my shoulder to comfort me. "I know, but I miss him so" I sigh. "Do you regret your decision?" I keep poking around in my spaghetti. "I do not know. I love him, but when we sat there and I told him that I didn't see any sense in our relationship, I secretly hoped that he would say something to change my mind, but he agreed with me"

Before Philipp can answer, Lena, a girl from my dance group, suddenly storms to my table. "Abby, your boyfriend is live" of course I didn't tell anybody except Philipp that Ondre and I are theoretically not together anymore, especially not a 14-year-old fan. I'm about to say that I don't have time for a live stream when one sentence makes me lose my train of thought. "Is everything okay with Abby and you?" I hear Ondre's voice. Frozen, I turn to Lena's phone. "She's at dance camp coaching, which is why we're not together right now. But we're both fine, and don't worry. She will be back soon. I miss her terribly" I swallow in order not to cry in front of Lena, but then I jump up. "Excuse me, I have to prepare something for later" with quick steps I run into my hut.

When I am more or less back on my feet, it is already time for the last training with my girls. We go to the hut which we use for training and I count in.

After training I go together with the girls into the lake to cool down. Philipp joins us with his group. While the kids are playing in the water, Philipp and I are knee-deep in the water. "Are you okay?" I nod."It was a short blow before, but I'm okay again" I smile at him. "Fine" he smiles at me.

When the final program is finished in the evening and I have put my girls to bed, I sit with Philipp and the other colleagues at the fire. We discuss how everything is planned tomorrow and who has to do what. Afterwards most of them say goodbye to bed. I sit down on the jetty and call Addison.

"Abby, heyyyy" I hear Addison's voice joyfully as she answers the phone. "Hey, Addison" "well, how's last night?" "Good, I'm going home tomorrow" "I know, I'm glad to see you again" "I hear her giggling weirdly, but I'm just wondering for a second. "Me too. I miss you." "I miss you, too, Abby. We all miss you" I sigh. "I know, I saw his video" "oh, I'm sorry Abby" she giggles like that again. "Say, what are you doing right now?" "I'm lying in bed" "alone?" "Yeah, why?" Suddenly I hear someone whispering in the background. "Wait a minute, is that Bryce?" Addison's silence makes me think yes. "Then I won't bother you anymore. Are you coming tomorrow?" I have to smile. "Of course I'm coming" "well,have fun. Say hi to Bryce for me" I hang up.

Late in the evening, as I lie in bed, I toss and turn restlessly. A mixture of happiness and fear about tomorrow just won't let me sleep. Oh, what would I give if Ondre were here now and I could cuddle up to him? I sigh.

Somehow I did fall asleep. The next morning the alarm clock wakes me up. When I have packed our things around my two hut mates, it is time to wake up our groups. After breakfast we help the others to pack before each group gets a different task. Mine has to pack the food. When the camp is cleaned up, the busses are already waiting. Everyone stows their luggage and sits down in the bus. After all children are inside, I sit down next to Philipp. The bus starts and we leave. "Let's go home" Philipp grins at me and presses my hand.

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