chapter 23

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I'm just finishing up with Tony doing a TikTok when Addison comes down the stairs. "Hey, Ondre, can we talk for a second?" She looks at me with a sigh. I nod and jog with her up the stairs to her room. I sit on the bed while Addison walks across the room. "So it looks like Abby already told you, right?" Addison nods. "I feel so bad. I'm her best friend. I should be lying next to her right now comforting her." "Don't beat yourself up over this, Addison." Addison sits next to me and sighs. "I feel so sorry for her...I was hoping the divorce would make everything a little better, but she's even worse off than before" "we just have to be there for her now" "I know, Ondre, I've been thinking about going to Lafayette, but I've made up so many things in the next few days that I can't put off Ahh, I hate being famous right now" "I'm sure she understands, Addison, and no problem, I'll be there for her" Addison hugs me. "Thanks, I don't know what Abby or I would do without you." I smile, but then I sigh. "I feel bad because I'm kind of glad her dad said no and that's why she's moving to LA." "Me, too." Addison admits sheepishly.

The next morning I go to Tayler as promised. I keep looking at my phone in case Abby texts me. I spoke to her briefly on the phone this morning and she told me that she will pack the remaining boxes today.

"Hey, man" Tayler welcomes me with a handshake. "Hey," I enter. We sit down in the living room and I explain the situation. "Doesn't sound good at all" Tayler sighs. "She wants to get here as soon as possible" Tayler nods. "Unfortunately my mum is still here until next Tuesday and lives in the room, so she couldn't come until Wednesday" I sigh. "No problem. That's okay. Thanks" "No problem. I look forward to her coming back" "Me too" I sigh before I say goodbye and drive back to the house.

"There you are. Have you packed yet?" Tony jumps up from the couch as I come in the door. "For what?" I don't know what he's talking about. "Uh, we're going to Las Vegas today to visit Mom?" Tony rolls his eyes. "Shit, I totally forgot. I'm going to pack. Give me twenty minutes" I sprint up to our room and pack a few things.

After we say goodbye to everybody, we get in Tony's car. I connect my cell phone to the speakers and let music play. "Ondre, can I ask you something?" Tony looks at me a little insecure. "Sure, what's up?" "What's gonna happen to you and Abby, well, now that she's moving to L.A. for good?" I sigh. "I don't know, Tony.Abby and I still have to talk about it" "would you date her?" "Of course.  I mean, she's amazing" Tony nods. "I wish you so! After all this crap, you deserve a proper relationship." I smile at him."Thanks, man."

We stop in front of our mother's house.  Our big brother Xavier also lives in the house. "You are here" my mother hugs us both firmly as we enter the door. "hey mommy, i missed you" tony, total mama's boy, hugs our mom.  "Hello mom" I hug her too just before I go to my room with my bag. I check to see if Abby's texted me and go back to the living room. Xavier has come down and welcomes me with a handshake. "Good to see you again" he smiles at Tony and me. I smile back for a moment. My phone's beeping. Abby texted me.

"Finished with the boxes now. My mum will be home soon... don't feel like arguing with her about it. Have you been to Tayler yet?" "...or, Ondre?... Are you even listening to us, or is the phone more important?" Tony is waving his hand in my face. "Sorry, I have to answer somebody" I mumble and quickly text Abby back. "Went to Tayler earlier... I'll tell you tonigh. We'll talk on the phone, right? Good luck with your mum. Let me know if there's anything" "so what is it?" I'm looking at Tony asking. "Oh, it doesn't matter now" he sighs before he turns away.

Love youuu❤️

dancing to my heartbeat  ~Ondreaz Lopez~Where stories live. Discover now