Chapter 82

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The final bell rang that signaled that school was finally over. I packed up my bag and walked out of my English class and i walked to my locker to see Alyssa next to my locker smirking.

"What's with that smirk something is happening isn't it?"

"Oh yeah your birthday is in a week and we all need to know what you want, so everyone voted me to go ask you what you wanted."

"Well I don't want anything, but thanks for asking!" I said closing my locker and walking towards the main doors to the parking lot.

Alyssa tugged on my bag, pulling me backwards,"Oh no no no we are getting you something you were the one who started out band and you're the one who made us get known in the US you deserve a simple birthday gift" she said opening the door.

"I have everything i want I don't need anything else." I said grabbing my car keys.

We argued back and forth until i finally slammed my car door shut and stuck my tongue out at her and she flipped me off. I laughed and put the key into the ignition and put my car in reverse and drove out of the parking lot back to my new house.

I turned on to Remington Drive, which is the street Luke and i's house, and I turned into the driveway. I pulled up to the garage door and parked my car.

I got out and I heard Rose squeal and she ran out and hugged me and said, "Mommy i missed you!!"

"I missed you too my little Rosie!!" I said kissing her forehead and she giggled and said, "Kindergarten was so much fun we got to color the entire day!!". My mother walked out and hugged me and asked, "I just made some peppermint tea would you like some?" "You know me peppermint tea is my favorite, so of course!" I said heading inside into the kitchen. I sat my bag down and went straight to the fridge. I grabbed some grapes and a soda and sat on the bar stool.

I heard Luke's car pull in the driveway. Rose shot up from her seat and started screaming, "DADDY!" I laughed and popped a grape in my mouth. I heard Luke grunt as Rose jumped on him and I looked at my mother and said, "Well someone is in a happy mood!" "Rose is just a sweetheart!" My mother said grabbing her purse and saying, "Well I'm leaving back to the house, you need me you can call me i'll be right here in an instant I love you Alexia!" "Okay i love you too mom!" I said grabbing my bag and heading up the stairs to Luke and I's bedroom. I quickly changed into my pajamas and put my hair in a messy bun.

"Alexia, what are we having for dinner?" Luke yelled from the living room.

"I have no idea fix something yourself!" I screamed from our bedroom.

I heard my phone vibrate and i saw Kelsey's name pop up on my screen.

Hey Alexia, We are having a big meeting at my house tomorrow with Cassie, and Alyssa be there around 5:30 and we'll discuss our demo!! ;) K Xx

I replied and smiled and decided to take a shower. I turned on some music and i played my music on shuffle. The song I'm Good by The Mowgli's came on and i danced in the shower. Then *Thud!* .

"Ouch!" I yelled getting up from the shower floor.

I quickly got out, and blow dried my hair and got my clothes on. I braided my hair and walked downstairs to see Luke and Rose playing Just Dance. I took my phone out and made an Instagram video and I screamed. Rose fell and screamed and Luke jumped, but held in his scream!

"You scared me Alexia oh my goodness!" Luke said gasping for air.

"It was too cute I had to get it on camera!" I said giggling.

Rose was laughing and I picked her up and took her to the kitchen with me. I sat her down and i asked, " Are you excited for school tomorrow?"

"Yes! Mommy it's really fun! Tomorrow we get to school's forest to see all the birds and learn stuff!" Rose exclaimed using her hands to talk.

"Well that sounds like a lot of fun, mommy has a big history test tomorrow, and she really needs to study for it!" I said in a sarcastically excited tone.

"Well sounds like mommy needs to go study, and Rose and I will keep playing Just Dance!" Luke said wrapping his arms around my waist from behind.

I smiled and pecked him on the lips and said, "I'll be upstairs if anyone needs me!"

I locked my bedroom and got all my necessary studying materials out and got straight to work!


"Alexia... ALEXIA WAKE UP!" Luke screamed at me and i jumped up and screamed.

"What... wait what happened did someone die or something?!" I said getting panicked.

"No babe, you fell asleep studying and i think you should go get some sleep you have a big day tomorrow!" He said getting in bed and pulling me on top of him.

"You're right i'd rather cuddle with you than studying!" I said snuggling my head in the crook of his neck.

out of no where, Luke slapped my butt and i squeaked and slapped him and said, "No not tonight!"

"Ugh fine!!" Luke said hugging me and cuddling with me back.

I got off Luke, and put my studying materials away and got in bed with him.

"Goodnight baby, sweet dreams my love" Luke whispered in my ear.

"Goodnight babe I love you" I said turning over.

Luke pulled me toward him and wrapped his arm protectively around me, and the dark abyss of slumber took over me.

Hello everyone!!, New chapter for you and sadly to say next chapter will be the last chapter of this story, and don't worry i'm just as sad!! I've been writing this story since the summer of 2013!! But i want to thank you all for the support and the love you have for this story and without you guys i would've stopped writing this and you guys are the best people ever!!<3 Question of the Day is When is your guy's last day of school? Mine last day is May 28th, which is a day after my brithday!! And that whole day consists of finals for me -_- Anyways, I hope you all have a wonderful day, and have a lovely week and Keep Reading, Voting, Sharing, and Follow me!!:)

Twitter: @salemloves1d

Instagram: salem_ann_nicole

Love you guys!! Xx

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