Chapter 43

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 I was playing the drums when we were playing a cover of Still into you by Paramore. Alyssa's  voice was perfectly pitched and Kayla and Cassie were playing their guitars perfectly. We were making people get out of their seats and  jam with us and cheer. " I should be over all the butterflies!!  I'm into you, I'm into you. and even on our worst nights im into you , im into you! Let em wonder how we got this far  cause i don't need to worry at all. Yeah after all this time in still into you!" we all sang.  I looked at Ashton giving me two thumbs up and we had to start singing the chorus again.

After we finished playing our last song Paradise by Coldplay we gave them a bow and Cassie screamed "GOODNIGHT ST. LOUIS WE LOVE YOU!!". Then we headed backstage and i ran to give Luke a big hug and i dug my head in his neck. In my mind i said "He smells so good!!" but i kept my comments to myself. I took my heels off and walked to the dressing room and found my black converses and put those on and i decided to play some Xbox because why not?. I put on Dead Space 2 in and Screamed, "GIRLS LETS PLAY SOME DEAD SPACE 2!!". Alyssa was the first one in here and Kayla and Cassie came in and sat next to me on the couch and i closed the disc opener and then we got on two teams to play. Me and Alyssa which our ship name is Alexssa and Kayla and Cassie which their ship name is Kaysie. Me and Alyssa played and i said "You know how to play?" "Duh i had two older brothers they taught me everything i need to know" She said smiling. WE started to play and i jumped when i saw the first alien. "Kill him Alexia!!!" "Ok... Got it!! yay" I said jumping in my seat. Alyssa laughed until we got trapped and we were for a long time. I finally found the thing and i said "I found the telekinesis thing!" I exclaimed.

"Then go open the door!" Alyssa said. I did and i screamed. "Ahh!!". Then  died and we all started to laugh. Then Kayla and Cassie went and lets just say there was a lot screaming and they almost broke the freaking TV!! "Ok lets get something to eat im starving!" Kayla said and we walked to the Vending machine and i got out a dollar and bought me some Oreos! I went to the drink one and bought me a lemonade. I walked to the door that opens to the stage and i opened it and i stoop in the door way and looked at Luke and he looked at me smiling and i blew him a kiss and he caught it. I smiled and i i thought up something. "Hey guys come here" I said to the girls. They came to the doorway and i said our thing. "Lets run on stage and just start skipping around the stage like we are fans" I said smirking. "That is  a great idea!!" Cassie exclaimed and we decided to get some 5SOSshirts on and did our hair so they couldn't recognized us and we had to use an American accent and we ran to the stage.

 "Oh my god Luke i love you so much!!!" I screamed really loud and he looked at me in complete shock. "How did you guys get on here?" Calum said. "MICHAEL I WANT SOME OF YOUR GRAVY GIVE IT TO ME NOW!!" Alyssa screamed. I could see she isn't trying to laugh. "Ashton come here babe give me some Irwin meat!!" Kayla said. I laughed oh crap. "Calum fucking hood have my babies!!!".  They were backing away from us and i ran to Luke screaming in my Australian accent "Catch me babe!!". He held out his arms and i ran and hugged him and he picked me up and i squealed with joy. "I love you so much!!" "I love you too Alexia". He looked me in the eyes and kissed me with as much passion as possible. It felt like heaven. Then i heard some mean words and a shot and last thing  i saw was Luke's face at Cassie and i saw Cassie on the ground then i heard another shot and i tried to run but i couldn't.   I heard people screaming and i heard another shot and i saw Luke with a bloodied stomach and i lost it and ran to him screaming, "NO PLEASE LUKE NO!!!! HENRY STOP!!!!". I ran to Luke and i heard another shot and Henry shouted "Where's Cassie!?!?!" "You fucking shot her!!"  I screamed  with tears in my ears i looked at Ashton and he ran to me and he started to cry and i said, "Where's Alyssa, Kayla, Calum and Michael?" I said "They are backstage we need an ambulance and i looked at Luke's pale face and i started to cry.  "Please stay with me i don't need to lose someone else please" i said sobbing. Ashton picked up Cassie  and i got the security guard Jim to pick up  Luke and i saw Henrys face and he looked at me with the gun pointed to me and said "Stay there princess you're not going anywhere".

"What do you want from me?" "I want to know where Cassie's mom lives and i want to know where her "Father" is tell me or you get shot" "No i wont tell you" "TELL ME NOW!!" "NO!". I saw him reload his gun and he looked at me then to my mom and she was screaming "NOT MY BABY PLEASE!". I looked at her. I went to my pocket and  slowly pulled out my  secret pocket knife and i put my hand behind my back. "What's in your hand?" "Nothing". I walked up to him and when i was close to him i said "Go ahead and shoot me do it" i said. He was silent an d he pointed the gun and i swiftly pulled out my knife and stabbed him in the chest. I started to cry and i left it in him and he dropped to hid knees and said his last words "See you in Hell Alexia" He said smiling and fell to the floor and my knees were too weak and i just layed there crying and Kayla ran out to me and hugged me saying " Than god your ok oh my gosh where is Cassie and Luke?". Right when she said Luke i started to bawl again and she looked at me and i said "H-he was s-shot Kayla" I said hiccupping. She started to cry and  hugged me and said "I hope him and cassie are ok Calum is going hysterical  backstage". i limped backstage because i twisted my ankle from the helping Luke and i went back stage with bloody hands and a pale face i looked like shit. "Oh my god Alexia" Michael said hugging me. I hugged him back and i went to the couch and went to Calum and i hugged him crying "I-i'm sorry for C-Cassie" I said. "I'm sorry for Luke". We hugged both crying and my mom came in and looked at me and Ashton and all of us and said "Thank god you guys are ok Alexia don't you ever do that again you go it?" She said very sternly "Yes Ma'am" I said and hugged her. WE all just sat in silence and a police office came in and said, "Hello guys im Officer Brown and i'm here to ask Alexia a few questions". "Ok" I said with no emotion. We walked to a different room and i said "Were you involved with the shooting of Cassie Jefferson and Luke Hemmings?" "No i was on stage pulling a prank on the guys and all of a sudden i heard a shot and i saw Cassie on the floor and then Luke and  i went to help Luke and He came up by me and commanded me to tell him where Cassie's mom and step father lived or i'll get shot and i didn't tell him and he reloaded his gun and i hold a secret pocket knife because my uncle tried to kill me and i have kept my knife close at all times and  i told him to shoot me and he was about to but i-i stabbed in and i only did it to protect me" i said and he said "You're not going to get charged with murder it was self-defense and Cassie and Luke are in the hospital and Cassie was shot in the abdomen and Luke was shot in the middle abdomen and they are getting treated right now and Henry is dead". "Oh my god i killed someone!" I said starting to cry. I was in shock. Then he told me i could go and i ran back to the room......

{A/N here is a new chapter i hope you liked the plot twist :) question of the day is: What are you thankful for? Answer down below in the comments and keep reading, voting, sharing, and follow me:)}

Love ya <3 :)

P.S here is Kayla's outfit :)

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